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        Lisa aveva paura di molte cose , e io ero su di loro . Ultimamente , si ritrasse di scatto e lontano da me , e non mi piace. Non ho avuto tempo però a che fare con lei . Avevo a che fare con l'FBI scavare in giro ancora una volta , ero a potente per chiamare pubblicamente , ma mi muovevo un sacco di soldi in giro ultimamente e li faceva sospetto . Che non è stato scioccante , ma ho anche notato che il denaro non è stato sommando . Ho odiato che fare con le cose personalmente , ma se dovessi lo farei.

          Lisa was afraid of many things, and I was on of them. Lately, she flinched and jerked away from me, and I didn't like it. I didn't have time though to deal with her. I was dealing with the FBI digging around again, I was to powerful to publicly call out, but I was moving a lot of money around lately and it made them suspicious. Which wasn't shocking, but I also noticed that the money wasn't adding up. I hated dealing with things personally, but if I had to I would.

      "Non posso credere che si sta lasciando Lisa in questo momento" Victor said. I shot him a look, to shut up. He shrugged, looking over at Verrell, "Perché si sempre puntuale che lui è il responsabile?"     Victor pouted folding his arms. Verrell reached out and smacked him in the back of the head glaring, he huffed. "Quanto stiamo prendendo?" asked Giovanni. "Ha strappato Danielle e Carlos di quasi Ventotto grammi" Verrell said, looking at some papers. I smacked Verrell and he groaned, "You let him get away with Almost five million dollars" I growled, pist. Verrell had excelled in school, with numbers and because of Pa said keep it in the family, I let him act as something of an accountant, this is what happens.

       "inutile spreco stupido d'aria" Victor added on. Giovanni reached out and smacked him, "sta 'zitto". "Abbiamo bisogno di un piano di" He said turning to me. Giovanni was like my adviser, and he took his job serious, more than I can say for my own brothers. Cruse for making me look like a fool. Taking his life wasn't going to make up for it either. No he was going to experience my wrath in a way that made friends quiver at my name once more. I had been much to forgiven since Lisa, I see that now. I wouldn't let that happen again.

      Cruse was waiting outside, his store house, which I arranged to meet him in front of. "Mi amigo!" He called out to me grinning, opening his arms wide seeing me. He looked friendly as if, we meet regularly for a simple trade of cash and drugs. "We'll see about that" I mutter, loud enough to be heard. Cruse faulted only a second before nodding and nodding his head toward the entrance that two men stood watch. Walking into the building my nose twitched at the foul odor.

        "Bontà che cos'è?" Victor gagged, making them turn to him. "The smell of money, Boy" Cruse said, grinning. I looked around taking in everything keeping my comments to myself. We walked up a flight of stairs which wore Victors mouth off, making him quite, for once. "I suspect you wanted to speak about something which is why you came" he said in English once we were all seated. "I do fair business" I say. Cruse nods, sipping a dirty drink, "Always on time, Senior". My eye locked on the five men in the room, each holding a high powered gun. "You ever Fanculo me over, Cruse?" I asked, sitting back. Cruse eyes widen for a second in fear, then he gives a snake grin, "No, never, Mi amigo, I as honest as you". Giovanni, picks up the drink that had been prepared and sipped it. Victor shook his head, standing up him and Verelle fired a gun and I counted five shots. Looking at Cruse, I stood straightening my jacket as he laid on the ground with a hand over his head scared.

    "I hate liars" I tell him, turning to leave him stepping over one the bodies to leave. Pulling out my own gun, I walk down the steps. "Tiro nizza" Giovanni said hurrying down the stairs behind me. Steping around the corner where a guard had been posted on the way up, I fire landing a solid shot to his head, "Merda , Vincent , il silncer!" Victor cursed me making me only turn to look at him. "We left him alive he's not stupid" Verrell smacked him. "So did we, Move"Giovanni said giving them a shove.          Heading down the steps, we keep our guns up. The bolts began to shoot up at uus. We all aimed down firing wildly, still heading down the melt ricketed steps. "Ahh" Verrell cried. My head snapped back at him. He fell down, and was holding his chest. "Medra!" Victor cried grabbing him. I signaled for Giovanni to keep moving. "Cover me" I said tossing my gun a Victor who nodded with shaking hands, His eyes were like saucers, filled with fear, something in me twisted in that moment. Looking at my brother terrified, what if this was my son?
     Grabbing Verrell, I sat him up to look at his wound, he was breathing heavily, holding his chest, "Starai bene" I tell him taking off my jacket and adding the extra pressure, "Non mollare , Vivrai" He nods not saying anything, as I lift him onto my back. I stay close to the wall as I can, standing between Giovanni and Victor, who is calmer now that we are moving again. Verrell is losing a lot of blood, I can feel it, soaking threw my jacket, I can't say that I see him living through this, as bullets fly wildly, I think of Lisa and my unborn child, If I die here? Would we make it out of this hell, to face another?

So this is kinda really bad I know, I will go through it and revie it Good night 


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