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La sentii gridare, come un proiettile ha volato in aria, che avevano ottenuto in casa. Avrei vivere questo? Dovrei vivere per vedere mio figlio nato? Quel pensiero era venuto in mente, ma solo per un secondo, come pensieri non avevo mai avuto before..would mio figlio di nascere? Avrebbe vivere? Se fossi stato così imprudente da vivere così, ovviamente, non pensando che del mio nemico avrebbe mai attaccare? Non era un segreto che la mia famiglia posato qui, se avessi permesso il mio orgoglio è venuto prima di loro sicurezza. Ero stato sciocco pensare che nessuno sarebbe venuto qui. Il mio errore potrebbe costare Lisa la sua vita. la vita di mio figlio. Le due vite sono valutate più della mia.

I heard her yell, as the a bullet flew into the air, they had gotten into the house. Would I live through this? Would I live to see my son born? That thought had came to mind, but only for a second as thoughts I had never had before. Would my son be born? Would he live? Had I been so reckless as to live so obviously, not thinking that my enemy's would ever attack? It was no secret that my family laid here, had I  allowed my pride came before  their safety. I had been foolish to think that no one would come here. My mistake could cost Lisa her life. My son's life. The two lives I valued more than my own.

Questi erano i pensieri che non avevo mai avuto, perché non hanno mai applicato, ho vissuto una vita diversa ora, avevo bisogno di adattarsi ad esso. Mio padre ci ha fatto spostare tre volte l'anno, quattro quando era a disagio, mia madre non si lamentava mai, i miei fratelli hanno fatto che odiavano. Lisa avrebbe odio. Potrei farla vivere che vivono?

These were thoughts I had never had, because they never applied, I lived a different life now, I needed to adjust to it. My father made us move three times a year, four when he was uneasy, my mother never complained, my brothers they did they hated. Lisa would hate it. Could I make her live that live?

I saw him after I had shot him twice in the chest, my body remembered what my mind had blocked out, or how else would I sleep. walking around the hallway into playroom, "bos chiare qui" whispered Santo behind me. "Dove sono loro?" I asked. "La maggior parte non hanno reso oltre le scale" he said, glancing behind him. I looked over the blue room, "Assicurarsi che nessuno fa in questa stanza" I said leaving it closing it tightly, I didn't want my son to play in a room full of dead people. "Yes sir" he said, I moved down the hall stepping over the body in the hall. I pushed open each door clearing them as I went making sure the back was secure. I could hear the bullets from the front flying, and landing, killing.

Walking passed Santo, he stepped in front of me, "Boss". I turned to look behind me then back to him. He looked nervous. "Move, before I shoot you" I tell him rising my gun, he moved in front of the door. " Custodisci questa stanza con la tua vita" I looked into his eyes making sure her knew if anyone did it would be his life.

Moving passed him, I went into the main living room, the white carpet was covered in blood, with bodies lying on it. Going farther into  room, the fight was on the stairs, and that made me nervous, raising my gun, I fired head shots causing men to fall dead were they stood. Looking over at me, guns turned to me. I was the reason they had came they wanted me dead that was fair.

The shooting intensified, making me duck and lean close to the stair wall. Guns still blazed as I reloaded walking around to the edge of the stairs, I shot only targets I was sure of not willing to shoot any of my men. There seemed more bullets than men for once.  They dropped and more appeared, the same applied for us as well. As soon as one fell another took his place. I looked over at Verrell in the kitchen he was shooting out the kitchen window, looking anxious while, Victor covered his front. This was going to be a bloodbath, another one, one that was going to be a nightmare to clean, and explain.

For a moment the bullets stopped and I could hear, Lisa screaming, she was screaming  as if she dying. Looking up, I checked to see if they had made it past her security, it was tight no one had even made it up there. Moving I headed up the stairs making head shoots, we cleared the stairs before heading down, to clear the Entrance way. "Sono a corto di manodopera" Verrall said coming out the kitchen with Victor behind him, covered in blood, none of it looking like his, "They are retreating" he said. "This isn't over, though" Victor said, wiping his mouth. "Attacchiamo prima, prima che raggruppano" I said. "My nephew's being born, Bro, can't you think about flying over the mediterranean later?" asked Victor. I didn't look at him as I shot him in the foot, he fell backwards screaming in pain, "Now you can stay here and watch your nephew be born. What about you?" I said looking at Verrell, He cocked his gun, "Dovremmo chiamare Ruben?" "Get a car" I said. I looked up as she screamed again, "Cinque di voi stare qui" I said, looking down at Victor. "Get him a band-aid".

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