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As Promise

Glaring, over at him, I sat across the table with several other couples where all the women looked like super models and I looked like I was going to burst, I was wearing a fancy blouse and flowing skirt that went to my ankles, Vincent personally oversaw my outfits before he left for work and I wasn't allowed to leave if it wasn't what he choose, Prison. My head was pounding, like someone was taking a saw to my head, gripping my skirt I tried to keep a smile on my face.
Just a little longer, Lisa, just a little... "So, Analisa, wasn't it?" Grinned the obnoxious one on my right. "Just Lisa" I correct with a tight smile, she flipped her her straight golden hair with her manicured nails and cleared her Barbie face, Sierra was way sexier, "Right, your studying to be a nurse I hear?" A nurse! I wanted to crawl over the table and pull out her hair, these people where so vindictive looking a Vincent who casually sipped his wine looking directly at me with dark heartless eyes. "A doctor" I correct licking my lips. I wanted it to be over this power struggle, that's all it was they wanted to beat Vincent but they couldn't so they wanted to belittle me which I could careless about.
"I couldn't fathom why you would need to" she went on. "I'm from a long line of doctors it in my blood I guess" I gave her a book to sink me with I realized to late. "You don't expect your child to be one, he is obviously a entreprenuer" The ladies all joined in and laughed. "He is not for sure a he yet" I say. They only snicker, "I'm guessing you want a girl?" Before I had to answer a gentle hand touched my shoulder making me jump slightly turning I was greeted by Caseto big smile, he was a year above me and so attractive it was insane he modeled for Calvin Klein for a little while, he was this tall well built man, who had a humble spirt and gentle touch, but all man. He was just not Vincent he didn't make my heart race or head spin....or pound.
Smiling I laughed, wrapping my arms around him, he hugged me close, kissing my cheeks, I scrunched up my nose, "you blew me off! You said you were busy with your husband" I laughed, straightening up I point to Vincent who look murderous. "ohh, fancy people dinner" he said testing a gentle hand on my belly, " I'm so excited for tommrow, I have a hundred on a boy, my step son" I laughed smacking a hand over his mouth he only winked, "Your crazy". "About you, come say hi to the gang, I will return her" Pausing for a brief second I looked at Vincent who was simmering, good, I thought, but at the same time I felt bad. Not that Vincent had a problem letting me take heat or putting me under it. Love was something else.

The night dragged on from there, and when we got home he went to his study and I went to sleep. It was becoming more and more difficult for us to be together and more and more difficult for us to make up. Not that sex was the obvious fix, but for our problems they had always been a quick turn around.

Licking my lips, I tapped my foot on the bed covering, looking at the monitor. "Calm down, Corta, your making us antsy" muttered Rozzeta. I chuckled, I just wanted a healthy baby, but, a little girl. I...I wanted to have a girl. Not because it would upset Vincent, but because a girl, a daughter, would more likely not come out like his father, I feared if I had a son, that he'd be like Vincent and maybe not at first, but looking at Vincent father and him, it was just obvious where he got it from. A girl, full of pinks and yellows, would have Vincent running with his tail between his legs.

Looking at the most somber person in the room, Vincent was so cool, he had his arms crossed and face set in a cold from his eyes locked on his phone, and him obviously very far from here. "Alright, here we go" the doctor announced. Vincent's eyes snapped up, and slowly I turned my head to look, as well. I only laughed clapping my hands, "Oh my goodness". "Congrats" hugged Rozzetta. "Thank you" I said, choking up a little, looking over at Vincent who looked at me, I smiled big at him, my face stretched. "I'll give you two a second, then we can meet in my obvious to talk about the delivery" Doctor Kussman, said getting up.

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