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I was now three weeks and my gynecologist said I was looking good and health, so was the baby. All my thoughts were racing, my baby was healthy. It spread through the hospital like wild fire and at my school everyone wanted to play doctor on me and why not that is the profession we were getting into.

"I want a girl" said Lily and I rolled my eyes. "Says you she's having a boy I'm the baby whisper" said Fran and she made this face and I laughed. "Girls, you have a person who needs assistants" said Doctor Lit. I smiled at him, "Analisa, I want you to take care of them ans and go take a break"he was piping in these breaks. I was thankful for his concern, but we where boyh just fine.

"Come here so I can talk to my little grandson" he said. I looked at him. He was ready to be a grandfather him and mom went out and bought half a toy store. I haven't even started arranging room for him at my house.

I laughed and walked to help the people who I was guessing need assistance, when I glanced at lily and Fran they were kind of grozen I looked and I gasped and froze to. This was insane. I was seeing stuff, but there behold in all his glory was Vincent. His eyes hidden under a pair of sunglasses, and he was standing beside a beefy looking man. Hercules return? I was stunned, but he didn't seemed faze to see me at all. His whole face stayed neutral, nothing betraying he heard any of our conversation. He didn't use expression I recalled, even when he was in a so real bliss he kind of controled it only gritting his teeth and a grunt.

I ran a hand through my hair and kind of like a robotic walked to them and kept my head low.

"Can I help you?"I asked. "Yes, a friend of my mine was in a car crash, name Robert Namel" Said Hercules. I nodded, and typed it in the computer when the phone rang, Lily answered it.

"He's on a private chart I'm afraid" I told him. Vincent made a sound and Hercules looked impatient, "Yeah, I'm like his brother". I shook my head, "No can do sir, He's chart is marked Private. Family only".

Hercules seem to get piat and I was about to call for security when Vincent spoke in his language to him. Hercules chest fell and he nodded, "Yes, Ragazza". I felt offended, but I didn't know what he said.

Vincent shook his, "I am close friend of family, His mother asked him to come pray for his soul". I clenched my thighs together and bite my lips. I was now allowed to blame all this on mu hormones and I was.

"Well I still can't allow you to go in there" I told him he nodded. They turned and left. I sighed with relief when he left and a bit disappointed. He didn't recognize me?

Was I that plane? I mean I thought my bed skills might make up for something, but apparently not. I didn't get a chance to pity myself because, My best friend, Sierra walked in modeling. She didn't have to rub it in. She was gorgeous, Platinum blonde hair, big blue eyes, and she had Curves. I didn't think her presence ever made depress before, but right now it made me feel buried under a thousand bricks.

"Love Bear!"She said hugging me tight and pulling back kissing my cheeks till they where sore and it made laugh. The smile on her face made we want to smile, she was just like sunshine. I always thought so.

"Cuddle Lump" I made out rubbing my cheeks she laughed and handed me a brown bag. "Now let me get a look at my nephew" she said as I unwrapped the borito and moaned stuffing in a bit and I was on cloud ninety nine.

"Not you too" I said around my food. "Chew witg mouth closw"she was leaning so far over the desk that I bet you could see up the thing, but I said nothing about it.

"Girls, want to much" she said simply. I just shrugged I like a thought of a little girl, or a little boy. Even maybe both.

She just rubbed it till head Nurse witch came in clearing out her throat.

I looked at her, "I'm on break". She rolled her eyes, "Again?" I liked one thing about all these breaks, She couldn't do a thing about it and it pist her off.

Sierra being Sierra said, "Go away, bad energy is bad for the Prince". She glared at her, "We are going" I left her intact so they wouldn't kill each other. She had to leave for a photo shoot, she kissed the baby and me, and left.

I walked down the corridor, going into the bunks a nap. I pulled off my sneakers and laid down, but when the door open I peeked to see who was playing to crash to. On call doctors pulling a alnighters? Some slept here, one actually lived here while he got a divorce and no one noticed till he well moved out.

I looked up and for the second time today gasped. He closed and locked tbe door and looked at me , "So your having a baby?" I was stunned my heart was pounding, and my body was leaking and it was wet.

"Um yeah" I told him. He didn't say anything else he pushes me over gently spreading my legs and he played with me throw my scrubs and I was about to cum when he said, "Such a wet girl have to get her all clean".

I clenched the sheets tight when a knock came on the door. I was panting and startled by the sound of the door. Sitting up I was looking around the dark room. I had been dreaming.

"Sunshine, you in there?" called my Fran. I Swallowed, "I'm up". "You ought to be twenty minutes later"she walked out away and I left a bit disappointed and well hot an bothered.

After work I went home to study, dricking green tea and eating a jelly sandwich. My radio was playing a low Bad Day by Daniel Powter, the room.was scent by a chocolate candel and it was a soothing atmosphere. I was humming, reading, and texting a little.

The ring of the doorbell made me jump. I looked at my clock by the bed it was one:sixteen in the morning whoever came to people house at this hour was insane.

The knocking began and I padded my socked feet acrozs the floor to the door and looked through the hole I was very shocked to see him. How did he know where I livdd and then I remembered whobmy dad was, but how did he know who I was, bit then I recalled that he saw me today that meant he he did remember me. I pulled my hair from it pony tail and shook it out pulling down my shirt to show more clevage and my shorts where set. With a quick breath I open the door.

"Vincent" I greeted bit winded. He walk towards me and I walked back and he got in my house. Was I dreaming again?

God I hoped not.

I was nervous,He came in sat on the couch not speaking to me as he began to make himself right at home there with his paper work and pulling off his jacket and rolling up hiz sleeves.

"Um can I offer you anything?" that you haven't already took?

He shook his head, pulling out a laptop "Analisa, do you know who I am?" I was stunned at how quick my body responded to his voice it was magnetic. I wish I had the effect on him.

"Um Vincent"was all I could think off.

"The father of your child, making it our child. The child you kept from me" his voice never rising or falling. My heart and feet felt funny. Mabey I was to much jelly or stresss either I needed to sit. So I did on my love seat away drom him.

"I umm, well, Vincent I, I had no way to reach you. or even know who you are" I told him clattering my hand s together and he looked at me before going back to work.

"Excuse, Will never work for me" he said. I wasn't making up excuses it was true. I really didn't know who he was or how to find out.

"It true" I defend.

He nodded, "I will not bicker with you, Analisa". "Stop calling me that" I told him. "It is your name, no?" Let this be a dream. "Lisa works just as well" I told him. He nodded, "I'll be to bed shortly". Did he just... Dismissed me in my house and had the nerve to tell me what he was GOING to do? I had to pee.

I went and brushed my teeth, while I was in there and fixed my hair. As horrible as it was I did in fact like him and maybe we could work out. I mean for our child if nothing else.

What do you guys think of that? pretty messed up who the bell was he. Well leave comments and click the star to vote and follow so I can follow you back.... Later dudes

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