Kobi(It's a really pretty color)

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"It's like the Kardashian" she was laughing so hard she was turning
Purple.. I didn't find it nearly as funny. "They want to come in on saterday and see how me and Vincent live. We live like we are four steps
away from a divorce" I exposed, bitterly. "Lisa, You and Vincent lived like that before you got married, what's new?" Sierra asked still laughing. I bite my own tongue from telling her. I knew that the things I had accused him of, was wrong, but he had threatened to take my child, he had harassed me, belittled me, and a lot of other things. He even stalked
me against my will. "Nothing, I suppose" sipping some bubbling water.
"Is that good for the baby?" she asked. "Of course" I say, "It's water". We laugh together now. "Oh, are you going to ask me who I did for my
birthday?" Sierra said moving her phone around. "I thought, you went
out with Macy?" I asked shocked, she'd held it in so long. "I did, but
while I was at the club you'd never guess who was there?" "Who!?" I
jump. "Okay, deep breathes don't go into labor" "oh no, you slept with
John" I groan. "Ewl, no" I sigh letting myself slack against the couch,
"Okay then who?" "Theo Mask" she gushed and i fell onto the couch
screaming, "NO, Flipping Way! You sl-" I yell at her, as she screams
"Lisa?" called one of the guards. "Hold on" I say, putting down my
phone. "I'm fine" I tell them. "Yes, Ma'am the broadcast people are here, your presence is needed in ten minutes " I roll my eyes. "Thank you" I say, lifting my phone. "Help me find something o wear, they are arriving. "I so wish I was doing a broadcast. I once helped in a shoe collection, but other than that, I haven't even started in my first movie" she groaned. "Sierra, you can't act, but your gorgie so I don't know " I say flipping on the light in the closet. "Wear the black dress behind you" she said excited. "Uh, Sierra, I did get my baby bump" more like a freight train. "Oh I'm so
excited, to see her. Pink everything" she clapped her hands, "Oh I was
thinking since of course the baby will have dual citizenship, should we
definitely get her every summer and halloween I have all her costumes
picked out" "Of course you do" I say, shaking my head. "Oh, the
maternity cloth his cousin gave you" Sierra snaps. "They really make me
look pregnant" I tell her. "News flash, Lisa, You are. And everyone can
see it and everyone knows it and Boom, No one cares, you're a married women, you can be pregnant every year till menopause if you like" Sierra preached. "NO,Thanks, Buns" I say grabbing a gray dress. "You look sickly
with that against your skin" she said bored. Grabbing another dress, it
was a murky purple "yuck, Lisa, stop" she said, grab the pink one behind
you" she advised. Grabbing the dress, my eyes popped. "I'm not wearing
that, Vincent would kill" I laughed. "Come on, Lisa, It'll be so pretty on
you and besides until you want to look like a mama, it's that or the gray
thing and I'd kill you if you wore that, Actually burn it, burn it now" she
yelled. Going into the bathroom, I do my hair into a fancy bun with no
bangs, and sparkle clip to make it flashy. Putting on the pink dress I
shake my head, "Hot mama" looking at the dress I had to agree. The
dress barely came to midway to my thighs, but due to flare my bump was
well hidden. My boobs looked like they may fall out of the dress and
since I had grown a size it really looked like something. Though vincent could possibly overlook those it was the gaping between the boobs that made me nervous. "Okay, I'll be watching, and babe, get over the little weight you've gained, you look orgasmic" laughing I hang up the phone a knock at the door makes me stop, "They are ready for you" of course they are, I think. "Just a second" I call out, slippin in my earrings and a tennis bracelet I got when I turned sixteen. Grabbing a pair of black wedges, I slip them on going down stairs. A smiling host is standing beside Vincent who is talking to the camera in italian. Then in english the Host says, "His wife will be joining us now, everyone Lisa Corta".
They both turned to me the host grinned broadly, but Vincent was
boarding, he was murderously anger, and for some weird reason, it
made me smile, reaching the last step, I glided over to them. Vincent crossed his arms, sitting back gritting his teeth, I've never seen him hold in anger, national Tv can change a man. I smiled brightly, the interview continued with a translator beside me helping us communicate. Turns out the host, Linda, only memorized that line.
"So there is a speculation that you are having a baby?" Said the translator. I smiled tightly , touching my hair, did these people have nothing better to talk about? Vincent answered the question straight faced, looking at the translator who seemed to expect me to know his answer. "Congratulations we are so gratful for a new addition to the Corta family" I looked at Vincent who still had yet to look at me, I just wanted to slap him. How could he? I wasn't ready to come out about this baby, people who knew Vincent at school already treated me like....ugh. Now, now my life is over. Sighing, I lick my lips not knowing, what to say.
"SHE wants to know what you want" for Vincent to find a cliff and jump off it. Smiling politely I only shrug, "Anything really". "In one word describe your marriage". Painful. "Joyful, we are still in the honeymoon stage", I folded my hands in my lap tightly, glancing out the corner of my eye at him. "Do you think marriage will stay like that?" I waited for Vincent to answer which was a quick yes, even though I'm unsure what his word was. "Yes, I don't think at all times, but we love each other" lies!!! "Will you be attending the Vero vero matrimonio Amore charity?" The way Vincent answered, I knew this was something I would enjoy. "We haven't decided yet for sure" I told her. Her eyes got Wide looking a Vincent who looked over at me with a look in his dark eyes daring me, "You wouldn't understand a single word". "Yet, I'm doing this intreview" I try. Looking at me he shakes his head, "I'll be busy that day". "It's a Charity, Vincent, it's not a marathon" I said. "I'll write a check" he leaned back fixing his suit. "Money fixes everything" he looks at me with a warning glare. Like I was his child, "End of decision" I say folding my arms. "Enough, Lisa" the host started to speak, I wonder if she could feel the ice breaking, I could see it. Looking over the dress he turned his head, "We are in commercial, why not walk it off" sujested the translator. Getting up I went to the kitchen opening the fridge, I grabbed the ice cream, "The most reliable men I know next to my daddy" I grumble getting a spoon.
Just as he entered I rolled my eyes, moving to the table. "What is it now?" He asked. I don't say anything, how does he like the silent treatment. "Let me make something clear" he starts. "Why everything is Crystal if you ask me" hoping up I smile, spoon mouth. "Don't worry, Vincent, I know exactly where we stand on everything"
After the last, I went up stairs closing the door, laying on the bed, I put a gentle hand on my belly, "I should name you, something that means freedom...wouldnt that just spite your father" laughing, I sat up. "That sounds cruel, but he is. I shouldn't say those things, you can feel it. Should we read a book? Something by Dr. Seuss!" Rolling off the bed I grab a book and read it to the baby who likes reading at least it's my belief he does.
It was almost a week before I traded a word with Vincent and it suited him fine. It was me who was hurt by it, as always. Things never seemed to change it was like went in a circle till eventually I got a wall or he felt sympathetic. I was tried of waiting and he wasn't often in a sympathetic  mood, his sympathy was in danger of being extinct.
Late...shoert...and kind of useless in the scheme of the story, but this is the mood I had been in the last week's, but the next chapter will be HAPPY!!! VOTE PLEASE AND COMMENT THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO READ AND LIKE MY STORY OK THE UPDATES ARNT CONSTANT, SO THANK YOU FOR BARING WITH ME, THE BABY WILL BE BORN SOON I'M NOT COMING TO DRAG OUT THE PREGNANCY SORRY TO ALL THOSE WHO REALLY WANTED that....

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