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Mandy Moore will be LISA!!!!

After school, I had wedding plans. Flora Glass, had a couple of dresses she thought would suit the day, but nothing called to me, I got liquor for the wedding, I even manged to sneak in a nap while we picked out food for the wedding.

"Is is me or have I not seen you all day" Sam said, in the chair next to mom. I laughed, "Its you". Abigail translator was tell Mrs.Corta that and she laughed. "It is like that" Mom yawned. I rubbed my eyes sleep sounded fantastic. "I feel like I've seen all of yall to long, I'm leaving" Sierra got up kissing my belly and hugging me, before slapping Sam and running. Sam laugh, "Bish forgot I know her hairdresser". I looked at him laughing placing a hand on my belly. I looked over to some guy I had seen all day. I thought it was coincident , but now its just creepy. I licked my ice cream, and put on my shades. "So, I still need Vincent to okay the church, date, and we can send off invites".

"I also need his credit card" said Sam. I shot him a glare, but his mama nodded, "He's right, we shop"Translated Abigail.We all laughed me holding my belly.

"So have you decided what dress you want?"asked mom and I took a new interest in my water. She was right about one thing weddings are no jokes. "I'll take that as a no" she said. "In our defense Flora could be more creative" snorted Sam. I glanced at him and shook my head, Flora was amazingly talented an any girk would be begging for her to make there dress.

"The bridesmaids dress need to be fitted is all I recall"said Abigal. I laughed, "I love the way you think, one thing at a time". With a sigh my mother closed her planner, "Alright, I say we show our lovly guest that Chicago has alot to offer ofter then rain, wind, and possible ice people" mom said rising from the table. "Agreed" sang Sam causing Abigail to giggle and rely the message to mama who laughed and rose to taking my mother's hand, "We explore" she said in her heavy accent and almost not clear english. But we understood enough to jump up, we got ice cream the best ice cream and cone to go with this amazing deep dish pizzia, we took them to couple sky scrapers, a movie site, we steered clear if all shops and malls in fear of remembering the wedding, went to get balloon pets, also took them to some pretty cool parks and more food places almost hired one place to do catering. Okay so every place we went to I asked, but I hadn't such variety since before I was pregnant annd now that seemed to long.

Back atthe house I pulled off my shoes and crawled into bed fully clothed and did what all pregnant lazy people do sleep.

"Can't believe it this are spectacular dresses" smiled Brittany one of my bridesmaids. With a sigh, I nod "I know, I know, just tell me how it fits?" Cadala looked at me, "Hey! Don't be so pansy boo, its supposed to be fun" Sierra looked at me with a stern look, "Chill, Teddy Bear, we sorrt". With a huff I ran habd through my hair, "I'm sorry lets pick this up tomorrow I need a nap" I lied. Lake sat down beside me text book lowered now, "I read stresses not good for the baby". That's common knowledge, I thought.

"I am not stressed" I clenched out."Yup and I look like a hippo" Sam muttered tugging at his tie.

"Does this not scream Gay?" He asked. Earning a smack from Paisley, "Girl, what wrong?". Sitting down I sighed, wiping my eyes that where now leaking and everyone sas coming close cooing over me and I just wiped my eyes as my shoulder shook and I hugged my stomach, "Vincent didn't come home last night and I he's not answering my calls" I sobbed harder. "Its like we already married" I held onto Fran and she patt my back, "Oh, Sweetie" she soothed.

Pulling back receiving some tissue I blew my nose wiping my eyes, "I just don't know what to do anymore". Lily leaned over hugging me gently, "Do you ever?".

Omg who think Vince should get hit in the head? ME!lol okay
Kiss a sexy pregnant girl!

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