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I sat in the tub for hours hiding, silently crying, nothing happened I think as I rock. Holding my knees to my chest, I cry silently, this was not a sick action movie where people had shoot outs. Its not possible, Vincent was scary but not a killer. What did I know about him? None of my thoughts agreed, but all that was clear is I'm in danger. I'm in great danger.
The door knob turned making me jump, I whimper whipping my tears. "Lisa, I have to go by the office" he informs me in a calm tone there was no way he just killed someone. No. Fear crawled over me biting at me.
Clearing my throat, "okay" I say naturally as possible. I dropped my head when I heard his footsteps. Sighing, crying, the stress was not good for the baby. I was married to him. Looking at the ring I cry harder. This wasn't real.
I inspected all of the carpet and tile, Kataline thought it was strange, but I couldn't force myself to eat. I packed a bag full of cloths and stashed in under the bed. I watched the news, I held tight to my phone as I watched the news, all they had to say was 'dead american found' and I was leaving. I was so gone.
That night, I layed far away from him with Oreo between us, I watched him sleep, guilty people couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep and I wasn't guilty. My heart was beating double time, "Who are you?" I whispered to him. I waited, but no answer came, I got of bed taking Oreo with me and tip toed down stairs. I'd never been down here so late, but you know it seemed scary somehow, even with guards outside protecting it. It seemed dangerous.
Turning on the news I rocked back and forth chewing my thumb nail, still nothing. I was awoken by a gentle shake, my eyes opened and my vision blurred. "Hmm", I said rolling over. "My mother will be over at ten and I'll be back for the ultrasound" the hairs on my neck stood up and curled. I nodded, "Oh, Okay". His lips touched my cheek and I-I didn't feel disgust, which made me sick. How could I not, I was terrified of him of every move he made, but his touch. His touch excited me.
Three week went by and my fears seemed to settle no dead American found. The baby and I were back at school, which took up a lot of my time. A lot of his family was here, it was Ferrogosto, Assumption Day, we were all going to beach after my parents arrived I wasn't looking forward to it. I refused to shed cloths, but all his family wanted to, its a national holiday, a tradition.
All the women were in the kitchen preping luncg and I was trying to dice tomato's, for the most part I didn't understand anything, but I smiled and nodded when someone called my name.
"A boy for good fortune" Called his Aunt, taking a shot. "A girl for mercy for the family sins"said another drinking. I looked at mana who only nodded her head at me to finish the tomato's. I felt that odd sensation in my belly, and not of the baby moving, but something else. Maybe it was that something wasn't right or everything was to Right.
Looking over my shoulder, he was there staring at me, my cheeks

redden as I turned back to the tomatoes, "Aw, so cute" said his CousinIsadore. I only went back to cutting the tomatoes, he spoke to them and all I understood was, Celebrate. It was supposed to be a celebration, but even

Vincent was in a good mood, he seemed almost cherry, was this day special

to him other than the fact he had actually called off of work and stayed

home. I had been surprised when I woke up and he was still in the house, he

of course couldn't sleep the whole day away like the rest of us, but he was

lounging in dark cloth shorts and with a dark blue shirt, that had made me

stare for a long time, when I first saw him. He had a beer in his hand now,

and a pair of tennis shoes that looked really good on him, everything looked

good on him.

The door opened, and I jumped dropping the knife, Mama moved to my side touching my stomach, I smile, "I'm fine". Even though my heart was

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