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The flight home was silent neither of us said a word, I twisted my ring around on my finger. I wasn't as sick as the first flight, maybe my anger was just to much for me to find the room to be mad just annoyed, I looked at him and he was of course working, his shirt was open showing off his roughed golden chest, and he could use a shave, and maybe, if I care a hug. Vincent Corta, husband to the very much so pregnant Analisa Lit Corta, getting up from my seat I went to the back and laid on the bed, folding into the bed, closing my eyes, and drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up the sun was blaring into my eyes, and two strong pair of arms carried me close. He tossed me into the back of the car, and got in the front where he began talking fast and anger to the man beside him. The guy looked unfamiliar and big and scary like that guy he came to the hospital with. How many body guards did he need? We didn't leave Paris because of me, but because of his job, he had to fly to Mexico and it couldn't wait for anything. I was guessing that was what he was yelling about.

Rolling over, so my back faced them, I sighed and closed my eyes staring at the leather seats. I yawned once more before going back to sleep, When I woke up, Oreo was licking me I the face. Petting my puppy, I let him kiss me and bark, "I missed you to, baby" I tell him as I hold him walking into the kitchen where the boxes are packed in tightly. "Who did this?" I ask him, and he barks serval times before licking my cheek, and barking again. "Nice way to encourage me to hurry up" I mutter, and carry the dog into the kitchen ignoring the boxes and the obvious us for them.

At the end of the month my house was completely packed, nothing was left. Sierra had facetimed me through the whole experience since she was an expert packer, but she had to work, and Sam and Hunter had flew back home so that Hunter could get back to work, but he sent all his love. Mom and Daddy of course did a lot of help, but they seemed to happy about this move. Like having me over the Artic was okay.

Oreo was the only one who seemed to really understand, I was going to fly, by myself because my husband was busy, but according to his secretary, he would be picking me up from the airport that morning, everything was moving so fast.

It was around one when the doorbell rang, and I was forced to open it, even though my body guard was doing nothing. "Thanks for getting the door" I say sarcastically, even though I was in sweats and a tank top with a messy bun to match. Opening the door expecting the movers I'm speechless when I see Mario standing in the door grinning. "Mario" I say exciteder than any married women should be, but seeing as my husband has been in and out for the last month mostly out I think I'm allowed to be excited to see the opposite sex. He grins and open his arms to me and I hug him and sigh, "Talk about tense". "You have no idea" I say pulling away looking at him. "You look great" I say. "So do you" I laugh touching my hair, "Moving will do that to you". "Where are you moving to the hiltions?" he teased. "Italy, actually" I say tapping the door, before slapping my forehead, "Come in, sorry" "No, actually, I think you need to come out" he says. I look behind me at my guard, then at Mario, he grins at me as if we were teenagers about to get in trouble, by a teacher instead of and armed perfessional, but I nodded. "Run" I yell laughing and he does, grabbing my hand. We flee to his bike which he starts a lot quicker then when we snuck out of my house and rode away, I laughed so loud and took my hair down holding on tight as he went fast zooming throw Chicago traffic.

"Where are we going?" I yell, to him after the glee of it all has worn off. "Away" he replies. "With another's man wife? You should be ashamed" I yell to him. "But I'm not" I can see his wicked grin, I can hear his laughter as we go faster, and I embrace his heat as the wind hits us hard.

Getting off the bike I look up at the building and laugh, "This ought to be fun". He laughed grabbing my hand pulling me to the door, laughing I follow, the Arcade. We spent too much time here killing brain cells, eating pizza, and a chunk of junk food. When we ran out of quarts and could eat no more, he drove me home and we sat on his bike.

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