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Very sad, deep color, boggles the mind lol love yall

I was very much so welcomed into the school, it was as if, I had saved it. The administer came to me personally, and told me if I had any problems with anyone, or needed anything, he personally would take care of it. It didn't register until later when I was eating lunch with all the female school population that maybe, Vincent had paid his way right onto the board and made it very clear about how I was to be treated. Now I didn't know who my friend was, or who was a friendly face.

School, finally ended and I went for a stroll to a near by food court, with my bodyguard tailing at a safe distance. Not far enough because I could still feel him and that was strange. I also didn't know anyone here, people spoke in a different language and all I could do is look and point to communicate. It got to me quick enough and I could feel my head spin, something wasn't right, something inside me. The baby? I was getting nervous, I wasn't spotting or having any kind of unnatural stomach pains. Gripping my new cell phone, I walked slowly, towards from google was the nearest hospital. I walked in looking pale as paper, when the nurse saw me she moved to my side, "stai signora va bene?" she asked and I just shook my head. "I- I I'm pregnant" I cried. She smiled and patted my hand, as tears ran don my face.

After my fifth or so test, he showed up looking very displeased, what else was new. "The doctor said, it's just your hormones they are upset due to all the flying and emotions you are feeling. Also your blood pressure is up, you need to relax" he said, in a steely voice. "Why didn't you tell me you didn't feel well?" "When? Hun, when you flew to Japan!? Or maybe when you flew with me to ITLY?! Where I can't go anywhere or know anyone. Oh that's right you didn't...ha I bet your going to find a way to make all this my fault. Go ahead and go to hell why you're at it!" I yelled not caring if every person in the hospital heard us. He only stared at the monitor that watched my heartrate watching it rise. Of course, it looked more like glaring, seeing all the man does is judge and glare.

"No more fighting it is not good for the baby" he said with the finality of a King. Oh course he was, and he'd rule for all his life. I looked away from him, "After the baby is born I want a divorce" I whispered, fighting back tears. The air is thickened. He doesn't care about me, he doesn't love me, no like I love him, why should I keep hurting like this? I'm exhausted.

After, a second, an eternity, he speaks, "You'll never see my son if you think about it" and with that he was gone. My heart raced the more. My head hurt, and something in me broke. Maybe it was my fight, or my will, or my heart. When it broke it shattered into tiny sharp pieces.

Wrapping a strong arm around myself, I don't cry, I just stare at the monitor, like my life was written on it.

Life didn't get easier everything was tense, it was like walking on egg shells when we were both in the house those times were in fact rare. He was working and though his mother often made up for his absent or someone from his family came to be noisy, I was often alone in my big fancy prison. Especially since, he had told me I would resume my classes in a month, I was also not allowed out the door of this prison after nine, I wasn't to leave it till twelve unless he was with me. I was never unwatched, I felt like one of the snotty brat kids my parents never wanted me to become, only now I wasn't a child, I was pregnant by the devil himself. They said sin seemed sweet. Bittersweet.

I was studying, well reading my medical text book, and also looking at some really good nearby colleges, when he came home. It wasn't at his usual after ten o'clock return hour. It was barley six, which gave me time to still go to sleep so I wouldn't have to look at his disgusting face. Well, fine, his face could never look that bad. It just wasn't all that appealing anymore. He was truly a beautiful man curse with a black soul. My heart had speed up in fear mostly, I didn't know how to stop it all I could do was wrap a arm around my waist and smile.

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