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I was still hugging the life out of Parvati when I felt a hand tentatively touch my shoulder.


Letting go of my sister, I spun around, my heart lifting as I came face to face with a girl with long, dirty blonde hair and a serene smile plastered across her dreamy looking face.


I flung my arms tightly around my best friend's neck. After four years apart, there was so much I wanted to say to her, so much we needed to catch up on. But, as I lifted my head to get a good look at her, my eyes instantly landing on her oddly empty ears, my mouth only seemed to form four words.

"Your earrings... they're gone."

She blinked, lifting her hands to touch her earlobes where radish earrings once dangled.

"They took them, along with my Butterbeer cork necklace and wand," she sighed softly, her tracksuit exhibiting the number 456. "But I'm sure those kind guards are looking after them for me. Perhaps they're a health and safety hazard?"

"Guards?" I asked, confused. "What guards?"

Luna nodded, her eyes focusing on a point past my shoulder. I whirled around and felt my insides turn to liquid. For, in front of a large pair of doors, stood nine figures dressed in hot pink jumpsuits, wearing masks containing the symbols from the business card. Each one of them were armed with what looked like submachine guns.

"What the hell is going on here?" I whispered. "Why did they gas us? And what right did they have to strip us of our clothing and our things? I mean, I'm pretty sure that shit's illegal."

Before Luna could answer, a commotion started up amongst a crowd of green bodies in the centre of the room, drawing our attention. I squinted over. Two large burly guys I recognised at once as Crabbe and Goyle from the year above me appeared to be beating some smaller guy up.

I tutted and shook my head. Some things never changed. Without another word, Luna and I moved ourselves closer to the scuffle, hoping that we could save the poor bastard.

We had to push ourselves through a tight circle of bodies, all of whom were shouting "Fight! Fight! Fight!". Merlin, it was like being back in the fucking school playground.

But it turned out that the guy Goyle was restraining in a stranglehold whilst Crabbe punched him over and over again in the gut, was the piece of shit who mugged me.

"YOU!" I bellowed, striding over to them and seeing nothing but red. Grabbing hold of the back of Crabbe's tracksuit, I pulled him roughly out of the way, wanting to get a good look at my attacker.

Under the bright fluorescent lights of the giant dormitory, I could see now that he was younger than I first thought. He must have only recently graduated from Hogwarts, if at all. However, this did not throw me, my pity severely limited after the hell I'd been subjected to over the past four years, him being the last straw.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MONEY, YOU THIEVING LITTLE BASTARD?!" I roared in his frightened face.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, still struggling against Goyle's tight hold.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about," I snarled, yanking the collar of my tracksuit down so he could see the fresh scar his knife had left on my neck. "Now hand it back before I give you a scar of your own."

I pulled my arm back ready to smash him in the face, but I was stopped by a hand clamping tightly around my fist.

Irritation swirling in the pit of my stomach at being denied the chance to punch the fucker, I twisted around, ready to snap.

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