20 - Whipped

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Numb wasn't even the right word to describe how I felt as I made the long and lonely walk back to the dormitory.

A few paces ahead of me lumbered Goyle, his dragging arms swinging ungainly by his sides, giant hands brushing against robust thighs in an almost hypnotic fashion. Backwards, forwards. Backwards, forwards.

One of my sisters' would be dead. I tried not to think about the fates of the others... Luna... Nico... Draco.


I froze at the all too familiar voice calling from behind me, but I did not dare look back.

"Alia, hold up!"

No. No, no, no.

I walked faster, ignoring the horrifying race of my heart. Because if I did not see him, then this would not be real, and Luna would still be alive.


Go away, go away, GO AWAY!

I ran so fast that I nearly collided into Goyle's back.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder and, instinctively, I whirled around and connected my fist right into Harry's startled face. Clutching his nose, he staggered backwards, groaning.


Balling my hands, I lunged, and began to pound his chest, hitting him as hard as I could. I knew I was acting like a crazy person, but in that moment, I could not care less. Not when Harry Potter was alive and dear, sweet, innocent Luna Lovegood was dead.

"Quit making such a big deal out of it!" Harry bellowed as he caught hold of my wrists, gripping them tight in his fingers. "Like you yourself did not just con some crazy old man into giving up his marbles so that you could live?!"

"It wasn't like that!" I sobbed, sagging weakly against him. "I didn't want this. I didn't want any of this."

Harry let go of my wrists to stiffly pat my back. I found myself clinging my hands to the back of his tracksuit, too scared to ask him if he knew which one - if any - of my sisters came back.

"Luna wanted it this way," Harry's voice spoke quietly above my head. "If that helps? She died willingly, knowing I had so much more to give to this life than she ever could."

I froze, his words making me feel sick. Slowly lifting my head, I glared up at him, my voice shaking in anger. "How dare you suggest you are worth more than Luna. You should have died for her! That's what heroes do!"

Sighing heavily, Harry let his arms drop from around me, his green eyes dull and listless as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Look, Alia, we could stand here and argue about who deserved to die and who deserved to live, but the reality is, what's done is done. You think you've got it tough: losing a friend and a sister both of whom you haven't even been in touch with for years before now? Just put yourself in poor Ron's shoes, whose partner was his soulmate. Nah. You and me, we got it easy."

"But... weren't you three really close growing up?" I asked, staring bewilderedly up at him. "Surely it must be a horrific loss for you, too-?"

And, just as I said this, Ronald Weasley himself came hobbling into view along the corridor from the direction of the game hall, his entire posture stooped over, as though he wore the weight of the world upon his shoulders.

Harry turned his head to follow my gaze, his eyes widening before leaving my side to hurry towards his friend, his arms outstretched in a rather dramatic fashion. "Mate. Oh, mate, come here and give me some sugar."

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