29 - Rigor Mortis

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I mean, I knew Draco's father was bad news, but not this... a monster.

I looked at Nico, my heart wrenching when he made no attempt to correct me. I felt my stomach turn to liquid as unwanted images sprang to mind. His ex-boyfriend's father?!

What must have gone through Nico's mind when he was violated in the worst possible way? And not only that, but in a body he was already having an identity crisis with?

"Does-" I swallowed, suddenly finding it difficult to speak for the ache in my throat, "-does Draco know?"

Nico shook his head. "I don't think so. My parents were especially careful to hide it from the world, so I doubt even his bastard of a father knows."

I glanced furtively back, watching as Draco moved across the dormitory towards us.

"What do you want me to do with this information?" I asked quickly, turning back to Nico whose eyes were rapidly fading.

"Nothing... yet." He paused to cough, his face screwing up in pain as he did so. "I'm telling you now because when the time comes, you'll need to tell Draco. But not until after I've gone- please. I could not bear to see that look in his eyes... of pity... despair, maybe even resentment."

"It wasn't your fault," I rushed out, clasping his hand tightly in mine as tears stung behind my eyes. "Nico- you were raped!"

"Doesn't make a difference, I'll still see it in his eyes." He tried to focus his own eyes, the light in them dying as they furtively flickered around my face. "It's in yours too, I can see it. But at least... at least your eyes aren't like my son's."

Oh god. The utter horror of what Nico had gone through was dawning on me: the unfairness of his life and everything he had suffered.

With Draco now within earshot, all I could do was squeeze Nico's hand tighter, trying desperately to convey how sorry I was through a look. Tears swimming in his eyes, Nico gave a small nod, clasping my hand back with the little strength he had left.

"Everything okay?" Draco asked warily behind me as he finally approached the bed.

"No, not really," Nico drawled, rolling his eyes, "on account of the ruddy great big fucking hole in my side."

Draco passed the damp towel to me and I quickly pressed it against Nico's forehead. His eyes instantly fluttered upwards as he pressed his head back against the pillow and sighed blissfully.

"You really do make a lovely nurse," Nico hummed, his lips flickering up at the corners as he attempted to meet my gaze, "a beautiful one at that."

Raucous laughter rose up from the table where Harry was still drinking with the pink guard: the former wiping away tears from his face as he chuckled uncontrollably about something.

I felt a spark of anger and had to look away. Draco crouched down beside me and reached out to clasp my free hand in his, his other arm wrapping supportively around my back. Our eyes met, and I felt utterly moved at the genuine emotion in his expression.

"You kids make a cute couple," Nico coughed, his voice weak, "do me a favour and make sure you both get out of this place and look after one another, okay? Merlin only knows something good has to come out of this entire macabre affair."

A faint smile pulled at Draco's lips as he clasped my hand a fraction tighter, his thumb gently sweeping across my knuckles. However, there was a sadness in his eyes that prevented his smile from reaching them. And I knew how he felt, because I felt it too. How could there ever be a happy ending after all of this?

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