11 - Vanilla

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The journey back down in the elevator was grim, the atmosphere thick with horror and disbelief at what had just occurred.

Luna and I both stood side by side in stunned silence as we surveyed the 'team' around us.

Parvati and Padma wept quietly as they comforted each other. I couldn't even look at Ron who was sobbing heavily in Hermione's arms. Harry was casually polishing his glasses on the sleeve of his blood stained tracksuit, and Dumbledore was smiling serenely, as though he'd simply just got some onerous task out of the way. And then there was Nico, who was leaning languidly against the wall, lighting up a cigarette, earning himself a scornful glare from Katie Bell.

"What?" Nico sneered, blowing a puff of smoke in her face. "Worried you might die of secondhand smoke inhalation? Call the guards. Make a complaint."

Katie just wrinkled her nose and looked away, her face stricken with grief at having witnessed her old Quidditch teammates plummet to their deaths.

When we arrived back in the dormitory, it was to find the beds had halved in numbers once again, the Niffler bank nearly full, and only forty players left in the game.

Forty. Out of four hundred and fifty-six.

I headed straight for my bunk, not wanting to talk, look or interact with anyone.

There, I spent the rest of the day curled up into a tight ball as I tried to ignore the gut wrenching sound of Ron's continued sobbing. I was lost, there was no way back. If I didn't win this game, I would die. If I did win it, I would die inside myself anyway.

There was no escape.

When a hand tentatively touched my shoulder, I closed my eyes tighter, trying to stem the pain that was engulfing every part of me. I couldn't un-see Bill's face as he toppled over the edge, couldn't un-hear Alicia's scream as she collided to her death.

"Ali, please-" Parvati's voice whispered urgently in my ear, "-we've got to do everything we can to survive."

I stiffened, wanting her to go away. I was terrified to look at her after what we did. I was terrified to look at anyone else I loved in there. What was the fucking point anymore? Because I knew no one was getting out of there except the winner.

Clearly realising it was no use trying to get me to talk, Parvati gave up and walked away. As her footsteps faded, I could hear another set approach.


"Go away, Malfoy," I muttered, my voice muffled as I curled myself up tighter. "I'm not in the mood for the I told you so."

A heavy sigh. "That's not why I'm here. I just want to make sure you're okay."

I gave a loud scoff as I finally lifted my head to look at him. "Okay? We killed people. We literally just dragged them to their deaths. And all I can think about is how horrifying those last moments must have been for them. What do you think went through their minds? Bill and Alicia both have children at home waiting for them, for fuck's sake."

Draco flinched. "It's probably best not to think about that shit too much. If you're going to survive-"

"I couldn't give a tiny rat's arse if the next game kills me. What kind of life will the winner have out there, anyway?"

"A rich one?"

My mouth fell open. "Seriously, Malfoy, aren't you loaded enough?"

Exhaling a long puff of air, Draco lowered himself down on the edge of my bed, his hand reaching out, as though he were about to take mine. But, after a moment's hesitation, he swiftly withdrew it and drove it through his hair instead.

Hallows Game || HP X Squid Game (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now