15 - Padma and Parvati

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The two sisters looked at one another in horror as the words of the announcer sank in.

"This- this cannot be possible," Parvati trembled, "one of us has to die?"

Slowly, Padma glanced down at the pouch of marbles in her shaking hand.

So. This is where it ended for them. Started curled up together inside their mother's loving womb, finishing in a fake town made of polystyrene and cardboard.

With great effort, Padma lifted her head to look at her sister, the number 054 on her tracksuit stained with the blood of their old classmates. Her own number, 055, was no better. They were nothing but a bunch of cattle, being sent into the slaughter house for the entertainment of some sick bastard.

"There must be another way," Padma said steadily, trying to swallow down the panic that was threatening to harden in her chest. "There must be a way we can both walk away from this-"

"How?!" Parvati screeched, tears already glistening in her eyes. "You heard them - unless one of us gets all twenty marbles, then we will be eliminated."

Padma found herself letting the pouch fall heavily to the ground by her feet as she clutched her hair. Think. Use your fucking Ravenclaw brain!

But, try as she might, she just could not find a solution that would help them both survive.

"I don't want to live without you," Parvati sobbed, her voice choking on the last word.

Not being able to bear to look at her sister's desperate face, Padma turned to the armed pink guard who stood looking over them. Without thinking, she grabbed the front of his jumpsuit, angrily shaking him.

"Tell me there is a way we can both survive! Tell me, and I will work it out!"

"Padma! No-" Parvati begged, trying to pull her off the guard. "Please... he'll kill you!"

Padma tried to stifle the bubble of laughter that had risen to her throat. "Kill me? Of course he's going to kill me! Or you! Either way, this sick bastard knows it only ends in death! Doesn't it? DOESN'T IT?!!"

The guard remained mute, keeping his gun stiffly by his side as Padma continued to shake him.

Resigned and bereft, Padma let go, trying to stop her emotions getting the better of her. She whirled around to face her sister, desperately attempting to suppress the sob that was stuck in her throat.

She was pretty sure she was going mad. If living in hiding for four years didn't do that to you, then being in a game like this certainly would.

"I don't want to die," she sobbed, pleading to Parvati. "I'm too scared to do it."

Parvati reached out and grabbed her, holding her close. "Me too," she confessed in a small frightened whisper. "I don't want to die either."

This was not music to Padma's ears. A hugely selfish part of her had been hoping that Parvati would find the Gryffindor in her and courageously agree to sacrifice her life so that she, Padma, could live.

"We'll go together," Padma said, her voice sounding a lot braver than she felt. "If one of us cannot survive, then neither of us will. We were born together, and so therefore we shall die together."

Parvati nodded, wiping away her tears. "I was hoping you'd say that," she sobbed. "Because I too cannot fathom a world where you are not in it."

With a horrific feeling in her chest, Padma looked around her, searching for a spot they could sit and spend the last half-hour of their lives together.

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