Epilogue - Slumdog Billionaire

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Jasper Smith was getting worried.

He had not seen the girl with the red hair since Christmas, and he hoped nothing bad had happened to her.

And it wasn't just because of her special basket, although Jasper really had been grateful for the food and warmth it provided, but Jasper just missed her presence. She had brought a light to those gloomy sewers, especially when she smiled.

So when, a few months into the new year, she reappeared, Jasper found himself sighing in relief, and vowed that this time, he would tell her just how much he appreciated her visits. Hopefully, she might even grace him with a name.

Something about her had changed, Jasper noted. She held herself different, as though she no longer carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. And, as she neared, he noticed her eyes, which had before always looked so desolate, were bright with life, her step a lot lighter, and her smile full of warmth.

It made his heart feel happy, something that hadn't happened since his Franny died.

And when it transpired the girl was heading straight for his direction without stopping to feed the others, Jasper knew she had gone down there specifically to speak to him, and it made him sit up a little straighter, taller.

"Hello, Jasper," she said, her voice like an angel's. "I'd like to ask a favour of you."

Jasper's mouth fell open, and he found himself looking either side of him in case she was referring to another Jasper instead.

"How-" he managed to splutter, "how do you know my name?"

Her smile reached her eyes as she held out the basket to him. "I know a lot about you, Jasper Smith. I know that you are a good, kind man who one day lost your world, and therefore proceeding circumstances brought you here."

Jasper was speechless. He wondered who'd sent her. Maybe Franny herself, because now he was sure that the girl must be an angel sent down from heaven.

He stared stupidly at the basket she was still holding out to him.

"I'm going to be going away, and I'm afraid I will not be coming back. So I need you to take this basket. It will provide only things for those who need it. For a starving man, a nice hot meal. Or a child on their way to hypothermia, a heated blanket. Medicine for the sick, water for the thirsty. It'll all be in there. All you have to do is reach inside."

Curious, he peered inside. It was empty. Was she on drugs?

Her eyes glittered in amusement at seeing his baffled expression and, crouching down in front of him, she reached inside and pulled out a packet of paracetamol and a bottle of water.

"Have you a headache?" She asked, glancing down at the items in her hand.

Slowly, he nodded. But he had been sure that the basket was empty. Maybe his headache was making him hallucinate?

"It's magic," the girl said casually, as though that was a simple enough explanation. "Look."

She reached in again, and this time procured a cup of steaming hot soup. Just what he needed.

Passing him the soup, she also tried to give him the basket.

"I can't- I can't take that." He said, more afraid of it then anything else. "It's yours."

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