21 - The Wanted

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Draco returned with three potatoes and three cans of diet cola, casting his eyes warily over Nico and me, still locked in our hug.

"You call that fucking dinner?" Nico spat looking at the offerings in Draco's arms with disgust, "What is this? Prison?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Draco answered in a disdainful drawl as he chucked the loot down onto the bed. "So just be grateful they gave us anything at all."

As he snatched up a can, I disentangled myself from Nico's limbs and sat up, offering Draco a faint smile as our eyes met.

"Thank you," I murmured quietly, reaching over to help myself to a drink.

He stared fixedly at me, grey eyes flickering as the Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. "No problem."

I couldn't help but notice the cold tone of his voice. He seemed uptight... uneasy even, and it was clear it was everything to do with Nico.

"Relax, Malfoy," Nico muttered, evidently picking up on this too. "She's not my type. And I'm pretty sure I'm not hers, either. It seems, apparently, that we much prefer blondes."

Draco's cheeks immediately sported a pink tinge. "That wasn't what I- I mean that isn't why I..." he tailed off, falling into an uncomfortable silence.

Nico rolled his eyes, leaning forward to grab a potato. "Sit, won't you? I can't eat if you're just going to stand there staring at me as though I'm some kind of freak."

Draco visibly paled, his tongue darting out to sweep nervously across his upper lip as he slowly lowered himself down on the foot of the bed. "I don't think you're a freak, I'm just... I'm just confused. What happened? Why are you no longer... Pansy?"

"It's a long story," Nico said thickly through a mouthful of potato. "And one I have zero intention of boring anyone to death with."

I couldn't help but notice a look of despondency flit over his face, and I wondered if his story was what made Neville sacrifice himself.

The dormitory was eerily quiet as everyone ate their potatoes in silence. I felt too afraid to look up from our trio, not wanting to see the grief on everyone's faces.

"Here," Draco murmured, reaching over to press a potato into my empty hand. "Eat."

My stomach squirmed as I glanced down at the spud, the thought of going through the exhaustive process of chewing and swallowing making me feel queasy. All I wanted to do was curl up and die.

I could sense Draco's gaze on me, sense him itching to ask me what was wrong. But he wouldn't, of course, because it was a stupid question. I suppose it was a safe bet to say that we were all experiencing a great deal of shock, and that if any of us were to get out of the place alive, then a huge chunk of that gold would most likely be spent on a lifetime of therapy.

"So," Nico spoke, breaking the pressing silence. "What brings little Lord Malfoy to a place like this? Not being funny, but you were the last person I'd expected to see in here."

I watched Draco with burning curiosity as something flashed in his eyes. He gave his shoulders a little lift, and I could see the effort he was making to try and come across as casual... bored even.

"Same story as everyone else," he said dully. "Since Mother's passing, the world has turned its back on me."

"What about your father?" I asked carefully. He looked so pained, so destroyed by life, that I just wanted to reach out and comfort him and let him know that not everyone had lost faith in him.

The curl of his lip was instantaneous, the hatred evident. "I have no father." His voice was angry, bitter, and full of venom.

Next to me, Nico gave a derisive snort. "You know," he muttered, "I think that's the wisest thing I've ever heard pass your lips."

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