28 - The Last Supper

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"Our gift to you is a feast - prepared as a token of gratitude for the sacrifice and effort that you finalists have made, and to encourage you all to perform even more splendidly in the final game. Now, please relax and enjoy your food."

In the centre of the dormitory, a large square dining table was intricately set, complete with crisp white tablecloth, candles creating mood lighting, and cutlery laid out for each course.

"What the absolute fuck?" Draco murmured beneath his breath as we wandered back out of the bathroom, all three of us suited and booted.

I cannot lie, Draco looked so good in his suit that it made me want to literally weep. It was as though it gave him magical powers: in this suit, he owned the room simply by being in it.

My own hung off me awkwardly and made me feel frumpy. Although, the way Draco's eyes had widened when I had emerged from the bathroom stall earlier, suggested he thought otherwise.

Harry was already seated at the table, his napkin tucked down the front of his collar, grinning from ear to ear like a kid in an ice cream shop.

"Over here!" He waved, as though we couldn't fucking see for ourselves where we were supposed to sit. "Apparently first course is fish!"

Rolling his eyes, Draco led the way while I stayed close to Nico who was hobbling slowly behind. He'd tried to convince me that the bleeding had stopped and was feeling much better, but I wasn't fooled.

Draco took the seat opposite Harry, glaring at him as he lowered himself into the chair. I took Draco's left, and Nico, his right, wincing as he sat down opposite me.

Harry hadn't been wrong. The first course was, indeed, fish. Pink guards brought out great big platters of seafood, enough of which could fill an ocean.

"Mmmmm! Superb, divine... exquisite!" Harry exclaimed, licking his fingers between mouthfuls of lobster tails and shrimp.

We all stared at him, our seafood platters untouched, as Harry washed his down with a large goblet of wine, clicking his fingers at the waiting pink guard to top him up.

"I hope you're finding your meal satisfactory, player 218?" the guard asked sincerely as he bowed down at Harry after filling his glass to the brim.

"Could do with a bit more salt, if I'm to be perfectly honest." Harry said, smacking his lips together. "And some tartar sauce wouldn't go amiss, either. You can't have fish without it, my uncle Vernon always said. I never liked him much, but you can't say the Muggle didn't know his food."

"I shall get onto that right away." The guard replied merrily, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he surveyed the rest of the room. "In the meantime, can I interest anyone else in more wine? Or perhaps some Prosecco? I'm sure we have some chilling out the back."

Nico, Draco and I mutely shook our heads.

"I wouldn't say no to some bubbles," Harry piped up.

The guard nodded, before eagerly sweeping out of the room.

Sighing heavily, I looked down at my starter, the seafood on my plate looking as though they were coming alive.

"Are you alright?" Draco whispered quietly across the table, a frown creasing his brow as silver eyes burned intensely into mine.

"No." I muttered, pushing my plate to the side. "I've suddenly gone off fish."

"I hear ya," Nico drawled, waving a piece of squid around on the end of his fork, "who the fuck would eat this shit?"

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