chapter 7 - swimming and a movie

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Tommy's pov

after i lay y/n down, i kissed her forehead lightly and whispered "good night y/n, sleep well" and then left, shutting the door behind me. i turned to see Tubbo standing there watching me. "shit Tubbo stop lurking like that" i whisper-yelled, walking to the room i shared with Tubbo and Ranboo.
"you like her don't you" he replied, following me.
"i-i-i don't know what you mean" i stuttered. shit. he knows
"yes you do! you like y/n! Tubbo said loudly.
"shush Tubbo! no need to shout about it! so what? it's not like she's ever like me back or anything."
"see you admit it! you like her! how do you know she won't like you? your a very likeable person Tommy"
"thanks i guess, but i don't think i have a chance with her" i said, and walked out the room. i went to the bathroom and got changed, and brushed my teeth ready for bed. i walked back into the room too see Tubbo exactly where he was when i had left, except, whispering fervently to Ranboo, who was stood next to him. they stopped whispering when i came in, and Tubbo looked at me as he walked out, to go change too presumably.

I walked over to my suitcase and put my stuff away before climbing into my bed as Ranboo did the same, across the room from me. "you should go for it bro, she seems like she liked you... it's worth a shot anyway"
"but i don't wanna ruin our friendship" i said sadly, picturing that she wouldn't like me back and we wouldn't talk anymore. i would miss what we have now, even if we aren't together.

i turned over and started to go to sleep, after such a long day, i was exhausted now.

the next morning i was awoken by two people jumping on the bed next to me. one pushed the other and they both fell over onto me. "what the fuck" i muttered, pulling the duvet over my head.
"no, no, no get up Tommy!" Tubbo shouted, as Ranboo ripped the duvet away from me, and i was hit by the sudden cold of the room.
"Jesus fine! what do you want so badly that you couldn't wait for me to wake up anyway" i said rolling my eyes and swimming my legs round so i was sitting on the bed, rather than laying down like before.
"we all wanna go swimming in the pool outside but didn't wanna go without you cause we knew you would be upset that we didn't wake you and we got too impatient after waiting for ten minutes for you to wake up so here we are." Ranboo started rambling, explaining themselves.

y/n and Sophia were standing in the doorway laughing at the three of us. "hurry up and change boys, last one to the pool is a furry!" y/b shouted as the two girls ran back to their room. i got up and went to rummage in my suitcase to find my swimming trunks, once i found them, i went to change in the bathroom and ran downstairs and outside towards the pool. y/n was already there, sitting there with her legs in the water, with her back to the door.

i couldn't miss the opportunity and gave them a shove and there was a big splash as they landed in the water. they started coughing and spluttering as they resurfaced. "Tommy! What the hell was that for! it's freezing in here! get in here with me before i get out and pull you in myself."

i was about to say no when i felt someone shove my back and i fell into the pool, with an even bigger splash than when y/n fell in. i resurfaced, coughing, and turned to see Sophia, Ranboo and Tubbo standing just where i was a coupon of seconds earlier. "you dicks!" i shouted at them, flipping them off. everyone else there burst out laughing. "got a taste of your own medicine there Tomathy" y/n laughed.

soon, the other three got in and the games started. we decided to play chicken, but Ranboo didn't want to play, so the other four of us paired up, me and Tubbo versus Sophia and Y/n. Tubbo climbed onto my shoulders while Sophia climbed onto Y/n's. "on your marks, get set, GO!" Ranboo shouted, playing the part of the referee in our game, as he didn't want to play. we moved forward and Tubbo and Sophia started shoving eachother, while me and y/n tried to keep out balances. "you holding up okay there y/n" i said laughing as their legs started shaking slightly, trying to psych her out. she gasped slightly jokingly, but as she did so, Tubbo gave Sophia a big shove and the two girls toppled into the water. me and Tubbo started celebrating our victory as the two girls swam to the side. "rematch," y/n said, turning back to us, "me versus Tommy"

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