chapter 8 - the restaurant

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back to y/n pov again

the next morning, i woke up in Tommy's arms once again. this time, he was already awake and on his phone. my head was on his chest, and he still had his arm around me. i looked around slightly. we were surrounded by everyone else, asleep where they were sitting last night for the movie. i guess everyone fell asleep here then.

i really didn't wanna get up, i liked the position i was in right now, and as no one else was awake to see us, it was fine. i snuggled more into Tommy's chest and pulled the blanket closer around us, trying to stay warm in the pretty cold day.

Tommy turned off his phone when he felt me moving and then put it down when he saw i was awake. he went to try to move or get up, to make some more space between us, but i held him down "don't go i'm comfy" i said, slightly muffled, into his shirt. he huffed like he was angry, when really you could see he wasn't. he didn't mind really, he was only joking. he put his arm back around me and put the other around me as well, then meeting at my back, keeping me close and warm.

we stayed like that for around half an hour, in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others company, until we heard someone else moving. we quickly jumped apart and i moved away from Tommy, so i was back in the middle of Tommy and Tubbo, who was still asleep with Ranboo's head on his shoulder and Tubbos head on top of his. i looked to see who had woken up and saw Alex and Karl getting up from the floor where they had been sitting.

they both got up and started to stretch, and the four of us all went into the kitchen so as to talk without disturbing everyone asleep. "so the lovebirds are awake i see" karl said and quackity and him burst out laughing.
"oh shut up" tommy said, shooting them a look.

i decided to start on breakfast, and got the eggs out of the fridge. i began making scrambled eggs for everyone, who would undoubtedly wake up soon. Tommy, Quackity and Karl all went to sit at the table and continued talking. soon after, Sapnap, Clay and Niki came in, said their good mornings and went to sit at the table along with the boys already there.

about five minutes later, the eggs were done and in walked then remaining of the group: Tubbo, Ranboo, George Wilbur and Sophia. i plated up 12 plates of eggs and handed them around. everyone said their appreciation and how good it was and continued eating. there was a lot of conversation at the table during the meal, and when eveyrone had finished, Clay got up, clearly wanting to make an announcement.

"morning guys, during the day today, we have nothing planned, you could go out in small groups if you want, or just hang around here, but if you go out, please be back by 5:30, we have a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant at 6, so you guys better clean up nice and i'll see you then!" he said, receiving approving noises from everyone.

me and Sophia decided to stay in today. there wasn't really anywhere either of us wanted to go to particularly today, so we would just stay home, watch movies, maybe do some online shopping and some gossiping.

we went up to her room and sat on her bed. straight away she started, "okay y/n, i have a serious question for you. i need you to answer honestly, got it?"
"ummm yeah go on" i replied, slightly confused.
"do you like Tommy?" she asked
"w-w-what do you mean? w-what made y-you think that?" i said, trying to act normal, but failing pretty badly.
"y/n, i've known you forever... i know when your lying." she said back, looking me in the eye.
i sighed in defeat "so what if i do"
"You like him! you like Tommy! you like Tommy innit!"
"oh shut up, what about it? it's not like he'd ever like me back. i don't even like him that much..."
"sure sure"
"what's that supposed to me-"
i was cut off by the sound of footsteps and whispering on the other side of the door.
"what do you want boys" Sophia shouted out and in tumbled Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Karl, Sapnap and Quackity.

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