chapter 23 - goodbye <3

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3rd person

the next morning, everyone was awake considerably early, doing last minute packing before they all set off for the airport for the first flight, which was to leave at midday. The house was hectic as everyone ran around trying to find belongings and any other shit they needed. it was around 9:30am when the two cars were all packed up and everyone was ready to go, so they set off.

once arriving at the airport, he checked everyone who needed to be into the two flights the group would be taking.

Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and y/n would be returning to their homes in England together, along with Ranboo and Niki. Ranboo would be staying with Tubbo for four months and niki with Wilbur for a while too.

Karl would be going home to North Carolina, along with Quackity who would be staying for a while.

Now that George was in Florida, he was there to stay for good, moving in with Dream, Sapnap and Sophia.

the flight to North Carolina was ti leave first. once their flight was announced, everyone started saying their goodbyes to Karl and Alex. y/n and Dream were both crying, The male trying to hide it but failing. when Karl came to y/n, they pulled him into a tight hug, saying "i'm gonna miss you so much! your like an older brother to me. i hope we can meet again soon."

he nodded, pulling away and saying "yeah, i'll miss you tons too, we'll call loads. i'm gonna be coming to England in about three weeks with my family, so we'll meet up then, yeah?" he had also started crying a bit by now. y/n just nodded to him.

once everyone had said their goodbyes, they waved the boys off and the two walked off, arms around each others shoulders, laughing together.

there was still an hour before the flight to England, so everyone went to the various shops around the airport to get some food and other stuff. Tommy bought y/n a chocolate bar and presented it to them, proudly. everyone just sat talking until they had ti leave.

the tears started again, everyone hugging those staying behind, and the others wishing them a good flight. the six all walked to the plane together, Tommy gave y/n's hand a comforting squeeze, as the tears started ceasing.

once on the plane, they all realised they had similar seat as the flight there, as well as an extra row behind the other two. Tommy and y/n sat together, with Wilbur and Niki behind and Ranboo and Tubbo behind them.

just as they were about to take off, Tommy took y/n's hand, giving it a squeeze and throwing y/n a nervous look. "you okay Toms? scared of the takeoff" y/n asked, squeezing his hand back. he just nodded, his leg bouncing from slight fear. "don't worry, you'll be fine, i'm here, and it will only take a minute and then we can sleep yeah?" she said comfortingly, pulling him into a tight hug. he nodded again, and took the airpod y/n offered out to him.

once they had taken off, it was a rather smooth flight, landing around eight hours later in England.

it was now time for them all to leave each other. Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and y/n all shared a hug, all crying, not wanting to leave each other. soon they pulled apart, and Tubbo and Ranboo let Tommy and y/n have a moment to themselves.

"i'm gonna miss you so much, y/n" tommy whispered, connected their foreheads, staring into y/n's eyes.

"i'll miss you so much too toms. it's a two and a half hours drive from London to your house..."

"yeah i know. it's long but do-able. there are trains and stuff you know. we'll see each other loads, just you see. we can call every day if you wants, and we'll text loads too."

she just nodded, closing the gap between the two of them, and looping her two arms around his neck, while his snaked around her waist, pulling her closer.

"oi break it up lovebirds, we're in a public place and you guys have got people waiting for you" Wilbur shouted at them. they broke apart swiftly, blushing, before Tommy pulled y/n into a tight hug.

"i love you y/n"

"i-i love you too Tommy"

***time skip 🤪***

when y/n arrived home, she knocked on the door. they could hear s/n's voice shout "i'll get it" from inside before the door opened, revealing her sister. "y/n!" she shouted, before pulling the older into a tight hug. y/n hugged her back, before pulling away when she spotted her mum behind s/n. she pulled her mother into another hug, the two swaying back and forth slightly.

when the two pulled away, her mum admired y/n. she had been tanned from being in Florida for so long, and her hair had grown longer.

the other two pulled y/n into the house, wheeling her luggage behind her. the three sat in the living room together, and y/n started to recount their trip.

y/n 1st person pov

"so did you find any nice boys..." mum asked.

i laughed lightly and i could feel heat rushing to my face. "mum your so weird. but yes i did. i have a boyfriend..." i rubbed my hands together nervously, not sure what they would say.

"well show us then!" s/n said, so i took out my phone and showed them a photo of the two of us. "oh yeah he is cute," mum said admiring him. "do you love him?"

"yeah. he's really sweet and pretty and caring and just everything i need. yeah i do love him." i said, blushing and looking down slightly.

"that's fine then, Sweetie. i hope he treat you well!" mum said, and pulled me into another hug.

soon i went upstairs to start unpacking. i was around ten minutes into unpacking when my phone started to ring. i picked it up and saw an incoming facetime from Tommy.

i hit accept and propped my phone up on my desk, so i was still in frame and could continue unpacking.

(t-tommy y-y/n)

t: hiii

y: hey toms

t: i miss you already, you get back home okay?

y: i miss you too, yeah i'm home fine. my mum is fine that we are together which i was a bit worried about

t: yeah same, motherinnit is fine as well. do you wanna stream together later?

y: yeah, i'm just unpacking right now, but i can stream in a couple of hours? is that okay?

t: yeah great.

we continued talking while i unpacked, until i hung up to get some sleep before we streamed.

1154 words

sorry for the long wait, i've been doing this chapter for like a week, but i've been ill and busy sorry guys. imma try post more like i said before

love you and don't forget to vote <3

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