chapter 28 - when you wish apon a star <3

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y/n pov

tommy and i jumped apart as we heard the scream, and turned to see Tubbo and Ranboo stood in the doorway together. it was clear tubbo had been the source of the scream, as he now had his hand covering his eyes, and ranboo was doubled over laughing at him.

i just got up shaking my head at the two before bonking Tubbo on the head and he opened his eyes tentatively. "you two really should shut the door if your gonna do shit like that" Tubbo complained.

"i did" tommy said simply. Tubbo just replied with an "oh" before turning and walking downstairs, the three of us following suit. we all sat in the living room chatting together. Tommy had invited over quite a few people for his birthday: Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, Niki, Minx, Phil, Jack, Freddie, Fundy, Beau, Freddie, Eryn and quite a few of his school friends.

***time skip to when everyone had arrived***

the house was alive with music, chatter, flashing lights and people partying. i was enjoying it much, as i've never really liked parties, but i could tell Tommy was really enjoying himself. he was running around, talking to random people, before running off to talk to another. it was really sweet to see him enjoying himself so much.

after a little while, he found his way over to me, stood in the corner of the room with a drink. he took the drink in my hand, putting it down and pulling me towards the stairs. i was puzzled but followed him anyway.

he lead me to his room, and walked over to his window, pulling it open and starting to climb out. i just followed him, doing the same. there was a flat roof below his window which i hadn't noticed earlier, that the two of us were now stood on. he walked right over to the edge of it, sitting down with his legs dangling off the side.

i walked over and copied his position. "it's quieter out here. this is where i come to think late at night." he explained, shuffling closer to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

he slowly lay down, pulling me with him. the sky was now dark and, as it was a clear night, we could see the stars.

"that there," he said pointing to a cluster of stars, "is the big dipper."

"and those there," he said pointing to another cluster, a little to its left, "those make up orion." he explained

"i didn't know you were so into stars" i said, turning to him slightly. he just hummed in agreement, not looking away from the stars. i turned to look up again and saw something flying across the sky.

"a shooting star..." i breathed out quietly.

"make a wish" he replied, looking at me.

'i wish that Tommy and i will stay together forever' i wished.

and i just hope tommy wanted the same.

494 words

well that's a wrap guys <3

imma do one more chapter, but it's an epilogue cause i have an idea for that

i really hope u have enjoyed this story and imma start coming up with ideas for a new story!

i really hope u have enjoyed this story and imma start coming up with ideas for a new story!

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again you guys are killing me this makes my fucking day god <3

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