5 Lalune Vitalis

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"Alpha," Doc calls, having returned with his clipboard. His stoic look fills me with dread. "It's time..."

My stomach drops at his words, leaving me light-headed and the room begins to spin. I reach one hand out and grasp Doc's arm. The slow beeps in Jess' monitor hit my ears but my numb brain struggles to process how slow they've gotten.

I knew Jess' situation was serious but I thought we had more time... I need more time...

"How long," I manage to whisper, even though my throat feels like sandpaper. I can't tear my gaze away from Jess, pausing each time her breathing falters.


The very air is sucked out of my lungs with that one word. Tears begin to stream down my face as my world crumbles around me.

"There has to be something more you can do..." I plead, locking eyes with the man but the anguish in his gaze says he's tried all he can.

"But we have the answer," Ben adds, his voice trembling. "It'll be here by morning..."

Cyrus curls up in the back of my mind, whimpering, knowing there's nothing he can do to fix this for her. I feel his helplessness seep into me, chilling me to my core.

"We will continue to do everything we can but..." Doc trails off, shaking his head. "I wish I had better news."

"Can you get Ethan?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Of course," Mira whispers before slipping out.

"This isn't over yet," Marjorie states as she gathers her books. "We're almost there." She gives me one last sympathetic look, determination flashing in her eyes, and heads out.

With everyone gone but me and Benjamin, I turn my full attention back to Jess. Ben steps back and gives me space as I smooth her long, wavy locks out and tuck her in properly.

What I wouldn't do to trade places with her...

The door creaks open and I hastily wipe my eyes once more before turning to face them. Ethan stands frozen, his eyes locked on the bed behind me as Derek stands behind him, resting his hands on his shoulders.

"Come in," I beckon, holding my hand out to him. When he doesn't move, Derek whispers something to him before ushering him forward.

Ethan's gaze locks on Jess as he takes lead-weighted steps towards her. His expression hardens as he takes her in, seeing how frail she looks before turning his gaze to me. His eyes burn with golden fire and anger bordering on an accusation.

"Help her." His voice is quiet but it isn't a request.

"We're trying bud, everyone's-"

"Help her!" he demands more forcefully.

My gut wrenches painfully hearing the hurt and desperation in his voice. The kid has already suffered so much and is about to lose the most important person in his life...

"Ethan," Derek warns, his dark eyes swimming with sympathy and sadness.

"No!" he screams, his eyes filling with unshed tears. "Where's Mack, or Mira?! Why aren't they healing her?"

"Ethan please," I beg, reaching out for him. "It's not that simple." The anger in his voice is like rubbing glass into my wounds.

He slaps my hand away and takes a step back. "It is! This is your fault," he hisses, venom lacing his words.

"Ethan!" Derek snaps.

Derek's warning falls on deaf ears as Ethan glares at me. "I wish it was you!" With tears streaming down his cheeks, he bolts from the room shoving off of Derek as he goes.

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