40 Mommy!!!

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***5 years later***



Jess groans, rolling over as giggles break out in the pre-dawn hours and another thud sounds dangerously close to me.

"Mommy, mommy!" Our twins chant as they jump on the bed. "Wake up mommy!"

"Your kids are awake," Jess grumbles before rolling over and burying her face in the pillow.

"Our kids?" I tease, not opening my eyes yet.

As long as I don't make eye contact they'll stay calm-ish...

"Before dawn, they're all yours."

I chuckle and open my eyes seeing the twins still in pj's with bed heads looking half-feral. Sammy's black hair is somehow all brushed into his face, leaving me wondering how he sees at all. Emma is no better, as she peers through her tangled black mop. They squeal and pounce on me, driving the air from my lungs.

"Daddy, daddy!" they chant.

"I'm up, honest." Tucking one under each arm, I roll out of bed, taking them with me as they break down in fits of giggles.

'Thank you,' Jess whispers through the link. I swear she's back asleep before we even make it out of the room.

"Come on you little monsters," I playfully growl, hauling them back to their room. "Let's get dressed, then we'll do breakfast."

"But you said we're camping today!" Sammy whines.

"And fishing!" Emma adds with a pout.

"Darling, not even the fish are up yet," I reply with a chuckle. "Clothes, then food, then we go camping-"

"And fishing?" she presses, her golden-brown puppy dog eyes trained on me.

"And fishing," I concede with a sigh.

Turns out camping and fishing is a perfect motivator and has the kids eagerly getting ready for the day. I barely get Sammy's shirt over his head and he bolts off towards the dining hall with his sister in tow.

"Raven!" Nex hisses in the hallway. "Raven, get back here!"

The little girl crashes into me, blinded by the shirt half wrapped around her face. I manage to catch her before she falls and tug the purple unicorn shirt down properly. Her midnight locks spill in wild waves around her face as she looks up with her dark eyes and smiles.

"Better hurry up or they'll eat it all on ya," I tease with a wink. Raven bolts after her friends practically flying down the stairs.

"Whatever they're on, I'll take a venti," Nex groans. He looks half-asleep still, with his hair a mess from sleep. "Claire and Xander are already down there with 'em."

"God bless the morning people."

Nex scoffs and shakes his head before turning back to his room. "Freaks of nature... Gimme five and we'll meet you down there."

"Right," I scoff knowing them better than that. "If I don't see you guys in an hour, I'm sending the entire hoard up to get you."

Nex pauses and looks over his shoulder, arching a brow. "You're evil."

"We have a schedule to keep and I'm not about to set up tents solo," I counter.

He mutters something under his breath and shuts the door, no doubt going back to bed. I creep back into our room and Jess is sleeping softly, her hair spilling around her wildly.

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