33 Play Nice...

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"What do you want Lucian," I groan, staring at Luca's brother. The alpha male grins, his keen silver eyes scanning me from head to toe. Where Luca is raven-haired with sun-kissed skin, Lucian is blonde and fair-skinned.

"Always so skeptical," he drawls, walking towards the water's edge. "Nice spot."

'Play nice,' a familiar voice whispers in my mind.

I sigh and walk over to the water's edge, side-eyeing him. Lucian looks relaxed as he watches the moonlight ripple across the water's surface. Taking in the peaceful scenery, I nod. Something about water and nature soothes my very being.

"It is," I muse. "Though I like it a lot better in the summer than winter..."

Lucian nods, his gaze never leaving the water. "Everything's better when it's green and warm."

I laugh and smile, casting a sideways glance at him. "For once that's something we agree on."

We stand in easy enough silence, taking in the evening air and the tranquil scenery. I feel myself relax slightly even with the strange company I keep.

"That's not the only thing," he says with a sigh.

I arch a brow, turning to face him. Our last meeting in the dreamscape was less than favourable, but he pulled me out of a nightmare for Selena.

"Oh?" I push, curious what else there could be.

"Gonna make me say it, hmm?" His wry smile nullifies the bitterness in his voice.

"Whatever do you mean?" I reply innocently, unable to suppress my smirk at his shift in energy. Lucian has always been cocky and smug, very self-assured of his own superiority, but tonight he feels more relaxed, bordering on humble.

He tosses his head back and laughs. "I can see why he likes you, hell, you're growing on me."

"She has that effect on people," Selena chimes in as she walks over. The Moon Goddess smiles, tenderly patting his shoulder as she walks by with Luca as her ever-faithful shadow.

"I take it whatever was keeping you out is gone?" I ask, relieved to see her once again.

"Mmm-hmm," she murmurs and holds out a hand for me. "Walk with me."

Without hesitation, I take it and she links her arm with mine, leading me away from them. We walk along the water's edge in comfortable silence for what feels like forever, just enjoying the quiet under the stars.

"You have questions," she says, reading me like an open book. "But then again, when don't you?"

Her musical laugh makes my cheeks heat as I drop my gaze and look away to hide it. One of the biggest curses and blessings in my life is my overactive mind. It always seeks to understand and stay one step ahead, to find the sense in all of the chaos.

But where does one even start?

"Out with it Jess," she says with a sigh, bringing us to a halt.

"If you can read my mind, why do I even have to say it?" I practically whine.

She cups my face with a sad smile as her blue eyes bore into mine. "I don't mean to listen, you've just got so much to say..."

"Trust me, I wish I had a mute button at times too." My weak joke doesn't get me off the hook though, she simply arches a brow.

"What's really bothering you?"

"So many little things." I turn away, wrapping my arms around myself and stare off to the water. "It's the little things that snowball into bigger things..."

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