19 Sage

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"What I wouldn't have paid to be there when Sparky lit him up," Derek grumbles. His dark expression is somewhere between a pout and dark glee.

Mack snaps her fingers and rolls her eyes. "Will you focus?! This is the first batch of concrete information we have on the ass and you're pouting cause you didn't get to see him burn."

I can't hold back my laugh watching those two bicker. Along with Garrick, they sat and absorbed every detail me and Mira dished out about our encounter as our mates hovered.

Waking up with my head in Chris' lap and my hand still laced with Miras was a welcomed relief. I knew he wouldn't be happy we did this and fully expected to face his displeasure but the comfort and support was way better.

When I turned my head to check on Mira to find her in a similar position with Jace, I just smiled.

She needs that reassurance more than anything and there is no more comforting source than your mate.

Pages upon pages of notes are strewn across the table as we go over final dreamscape details while they are still fresh. Mira and Jace have already been dismissed, having offered all she could.

The way Mira's blue flames reacted to him like they burned him proves he's either a being of black magic or using black magic to gain access to the dreamscape. The damage she did will prevent him from doing so for quite some time.

He is indeed involved in and orchestrating the whole series of misfortunes we've dealt with from the war to run-ins with dark witches and even the hunters. And, as suspected, there's still some unknown end game in play.

All we can hope for now is that they can take what we've learned and uncover more. With any luck, we won't be blindsided.

"You guys did good," Mack assures me, laying a comforting hand on my wrist. "This will help."

"I hope so," I say with a smile. "It feels right... like it was the right move. Something feels lighter."

As I struggle to put my thoughts into words, the Guardian catches on and nods, having sensed it too.

"Go, you've earned some downtime," Garrick orders. "She's right though Luna. This is big."

Chris places a tender kiss on my temple then stands. I can feel his love and pride feeding back through our bond as he offers a hand to help me up.

He wraps a protective arm around my waist, drawing me flush against his side and leads us out of the Guardian wing to head for home.

"Sometimes I get so caught up on wanting to keep you safe that I forget just how incredible you can be," he whispers, gazing ahead.

"I know... It's not like I like seeing you in danger either," I admit. Laying my head against his chest, I wrap my arm around his hips and let him guide us.

"I'm still proud of you... both of you." He stops walking and twists to face me. I look up and the pride shining in his eyes makes the green glow brighter than the gold.

"I know," I murmur, stretching up for a kiss.

A pulse of light ripples along the pack link, making me gasp and straighten. Chris looks at me with concern but the way he tilts his head tells me he feels it too.

Before I can say a word, a crash sounds from the hallway leading to our wing and armed guards rush past us heading for it. Another crack sounds as wood splinters from a broken door spill into the common hallway.

Chris laces his fingers with mine and takes off toward the commotion. With my freehand bracing my stomach, I waddle as fast as I can after him.

Shouts ring out as the gathered crowd of guards, Guardians and bystanders clash. Some try to leave, others form a protective ring while the defenders make sense of the threat.

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