Forgotten Christmas Bonus!

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"Oi, take it easy there," I chide, picking up the plate of half eaten reindeer cookies from Raven and Sam.

The kids pout, turning their best puppy eyes on me but I'm long past immune. Knowing a lost cause when they see it, they turn their attention to the next nearest sweet treats. Amara, however, isn't about to let her snowmen be snacked on and guards them with a wooden spoon. Blue light flickers in her gaze and the air around her takes on a charge as defender and attackers square off.

"Amara," Mira chides. "What did we say about magic?" She plants her hands on her hips and flips her flaming locks over her shoulder as she stares down at her clone.

Amara's shoulders slump, and the air loses its charge. "Not in the house."

Jace walks by and ruffles her curly red hair. "So take 'em outside before you teach 'em a lesson."

Emma runs over and picks up a nearby spoon to help her friend defend. Flour dusts her cheeks like war paint and the kids go screaming and laughing from the kitchen.

I sigh, looking at the war zone that is left of the kitchen after baking with kids. Claire and Chloe are already working to tidy up, while Jace takes Mira by the hand and spins her under the nearest mistletoe. He looks up and waggles his brows as his mate flushes and laughs.

To see the fierce she-wolf melt and blush in her mate's arms makes my chest feel like it might explode. Overall, the joy radiating from our cabin leaves my heart overflowing.

Hands on my hips pull me against a mountain of muscle as Chris' scent washes over me. I tilt my head to the side and he nuzzles my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"At this rate, we'll need a bigger cabin," he chuckles.

I laugh and nod, looking around the rustic cabin that serves as our get away and host for visiting packs. When he built it this large, I thought he was crazy, yet now it overflows.

Twisting in his grip to face him, I slide my hands up his chest, lacing my fingers at the nape of his neck. "Did you ever think that we'd get to this point?" I murmur, looking deep into his golden green gaze.

"Busting at the seams, and drowning in rugrats overdosing on sugar?" He muses with mischief twinkling in his gaze. "I'd always hoped so."

I smile, feeling myself melt for this soft alpha of mine. "It never crossed my mind until I met you..."

Chris leans down and captures my lips with his. They move so softly yet demanding that my body can't help but obey. He pulls back all too soon, or not soon enough, and rests his forehead on mine.

"It's only possible because I met you," he whispers.

My heart skips a beat and my cheeks heat. Even after all these years, he still has this effect on me.

"Break it up," Mack chides, pointing a spatula at Chris and Jace. "You two were supposed to kick them out, not seduce them. Out all of you!"

Mack shoos Claire and Chloe out of the kitchen while Jace reluctantly lets Mira go. After a pointed look, Chris lets me go, spanking my butt to send me to the living room to relax.

We basically swap places with our counterparts as they get to cleaning. Passing Derek on his way into the kitchen, he pauses, shifting the bundle in his arms over to me.

The baby wrinkles her nose, but snuggles against me as he brushes her wispy black hair back. He struggles to peel his gaze off of her, completely under her spell.

"Fatherhood suits you," I say, tucking her against my chest.

He looks up, his spell broken. "Who knew, eh?" With a sappy smile, he slips away before I can tease him more.

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