36 It's Time!

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'Alpha, it's time,' Chloe links.




I whip my attention back to the palace deep down in the valley and groan. Not wanting to waste another second I kick off, racing down the mountain.

I would go for a fucking run and be as far away as possible when Jess goes into labour!


'What's wrong?!' Jace asks, hot on my heels with Derek and Ryker taking up the rear.

Trees and boulders whip past us at a frightening pace as I race down the slope, instead of taking the winding path. I skid in the loose snow, narrowly avoiding a stump and bound over it, offering a silent prayer and thanks as the landscape levels out.

'Christ brother, trying to break your God damn neck?!' Derek grumbles, nearly crashing into the same stump. 'What's the rush?'

'It's time!' I don't bother to check on them as I take off once more, pushing my body to its max. Each stride I push harder, practically flying over the thawing landscape.

'Seriously!? Shit!' Jace exclaims, kicking his own speed into overdrive, running up on my left. His sudden burst of energy pushes me on faster, making it to the palace in record time.

Someone opens the front door and we crash inside, our mud and snow-slicked paws struggling for traction on the smooth stone floor. Bystanders jump out of the way and startled people scramble around.

"Chris!" Jude shouts from the top of the stairs. My attention snaps to him as he cradles Jess in his arms and carefully makes his way downstairs.

I shift and a second later joggers hit me from above. Sara smirks as I hastily tug them on and meet Jude at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey there," I coo, seeing the frightened look in my mate's eyes.

"Chris," she whimpers, sniffing back a sob.

"I'm here baby." She reaches out, hooking an arm around my neck as Jude passes her over to me. "I've got you."

She tucks against my chest and I turn to make my way to the hospital wing. Halfway there, she goes rigid, whimpering as her breath catches.

"Breath through it Jess," Chloe calls. I'm so focused on Jess I didn't notice her follow us, but both her and Jude are right with us and the others are not far behind.

A moment later, she relaxes and catches her breath. Her discomfort is written across her face and she pants with her eyes closed and brows deeply furrowed.

"This sucks," she groans.

"I know baby, we're almost there." Doc meets us in the hallway with his staff, complete with a wheelchair.

Jess groans as I set her down. Everyone's talking but their words make no sense as I focus on Jess. Fortunately, Chloe has all the answers, leaving my attention on my mate as they wheel her into the hospital wing.

Everything happens in a flurry. They take her vitals while I help her strip and slip into the hospital gown. Sensors and monitors are attached to both her stomach to monitor the babies but also to Jess.

Through it all, I feel my heart race. I'm torn between excitement for meeting my pups and worry for Jess. I have to have faith in our medical team, they are the best of the best.

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