25 Preparation

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"Is this really necessary, Sire?" Aiden asks as we go over accommodations and strategies. "In addition to the Palace guard and warriors, the Still Waters warriors have more than tripled our fighter base."

Kane sits across from me, practically biting his lips to keep from calling the man out. Even though there is still doubt, the temperamental Alpha has already decided the veteran's guilty and can't wait to dispose of him.

"As regent, Kane has every right to bring warriors in to support with such a perceived threat," I dismiss. Aiden's objection to additional warriors not under his control is by no means unexpected.

"Understandable, and yet six humans barely warrants such a heavy hand, does it?" he asks in a final attempt to dissuade me.

"Six HUNTERS, that spied on us for weeks, undetected?" I clarify. "Forgive me if I'm not as lax as you."

Aidens face turns scarlett at my brazen dig. "I assure you, we are taking this very seriously! A breach is after all, as you pointed out, still a breach and a serious matter."

"I bet," Kane mutters, earning a glare from me. He rolls his eyes but shuts his mouth while he plays his part.

Aiden struggles to keep his composure around Kane, an effect the alpha is well known for. Aiden's regular happy and relaxed facade crumbles, leaving a bitter old man.

'Back off, if we press him too hard he'll snap and there's no telling what he could do,' I link Kane, hoping to reel him in.

"You have at least a week to prepare," Kane grumbles. "It'll take time to muster and move my warriors."

"Understood," Aiden clips, resigned to the loss. "Will there be anything else?"

"No. Thank you Captain," I reply, checking the time. "I just need to see if Percival needs any help with the relocation and that will be it for today."

"Relocation?" Aiden parrots, digging for details.

I fight to suppress my smile as he takes the bait, instead forcing a frown. "Several of the royal rank wolves have put in to transfer out-"

"But this has been their home for ages!" He gasps, instantly on his feet.

"I know, as shocking as it is, it was their choice to leave. We offered to keep them on," I clarify. "I tried to convince Barron to stay..."

Aiden looks lost as he drifts deeper in thought. Kane arches a brow, not missing the sudden shift.

"Well, if that is all for now, I'll get to work on these preparations," Aiden says, bowing before heading out.

Moments after the door closes, Kane turns to me. "Well, that was fucking weird," he blurts out, scrunching up his face.

"You're telling me," I groan. For the countless time today, I run my hand through my hair and sigh. "I need some fresh air."


Kane's up and at my office door before I have a chance to tuck the papers away. We take a short walk from my office to the backyard, where training is underway.

Dozens of pairs of wolves fill the training yard, churning the snow under their paws as they spar. I spot Sara, Nex, Henry, and Xavier spread among them, offering pointers.

On the far side Claire, Jess, and Willow watch team matches, cheering on the participants. The girls are all bundled up and I can't help but smile, seeing little Xander's head popping out from his mom's coat, snug against her chest.

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