13 Rotten

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Tears stream down my cheeks as I storm out of the cellar under the crushing weight of the past. Tony's vile words echo in my mind knitting together the pieces into a nightmare.

They knew...

How could they possibly know I wasn't human?! Not even I knew that!

What's worse is they knew and I was just some game to them... a sick and twisted sport to try and break me...

I blow past guards and by standards in a blur, just feeling the need to be away from it all before I'm crushed. Fear and panic are replaced by anger as my body heats. Ember paces restlessly in the back of my mind but says nothing.

Does she blame me? If I had her would it have happened?

Feeling the bustle of the palace left behind, I finally slow and eventually stop, taking in my surroundings. I've stormed off a fair distance from the palace to a clearing with targets at the far side.

I would go to the archery range...

The hammering of my heart reminds me that I need to calm down for the babies' sake.

I was a fool and played right into his hands, giving him the satisfaction he craved.

Absent-mindedly, I walk over to the locker and take stock of what's there. I trail my finger across the staves before landing on a slimmer, more gracefully arched one.

Stringing a bow is second nature and even in my worked-up state, I can manage it. I grab a quiver of arrows and head over to the middle target. I find a comfortable distance with three bulls' eyes set on top of each other.

The familiar specks of energy on my peripherals let me know I'm not alone as I mess about, but I'm thankful the Guardians keep their distance. Gripping the first arrow and clicking it into place, I feel my heartbeat begin to slow.

Deep breath in, hold, and let it out slowly.

The world starts to fade away as I focus on my breathing and the target ahead. My movement is fluid as I raise the bow and draw back in one motion, resting my knuckle on my cheek.

Exhale and release.


Even the dead center bull's eye isn't enough to earn a smile.

My skin crawls as memories creep up. Long, painful nights with aching mornings, foggy memories and angry words resurface out of the deep recesses of my memories.

Deep breath in, draw, aim, exhale and release.


Lonely days left me wondering why he didn't love me after a fight.

Replaying every minute and every word said for what I did wrong.

Covering up bruises so my family and friends didn't find out what a mess I had become.


My vision begins to blur and tears stream down my cheeks as I throw myself into my craft. With speed and accuracy that would make my fellow coaches back home proud, I fire arrow after arrow until the quiver is empty.

As I look at the target, bristling like a porcupine, the last of my anger recedes and leaves nothing but pain and despair. This overwhelming and empty feeling like no matter what, I'll never be free threatens to pull me under.

I was happy. I was building a life but the foundation is rotten... I'm rotten.

Crushing weight drops me to the ground, the bow falling beside me as sobs begin to wrack my body. Once the dam breaks, there's no stopping the flood of emotions that wash over me, demanding to be felt all at once.

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