27 Little Fires

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I pace outside Nell's office, where Derek and Dex block my way. Half a dozen Guardians were needed to stop me when I first burst in, frantic to see Jess.

But she told me she needed to do this alone.

None of that matters now. The emotion that has flooded back through the bond shatters my heart and Cyrus is worked up to a frenzy. He stalks in the back of my mind, ready for a moment of weakness to take over.

If I lose control, then the Guardians are as good as dead.

They stand between him and his mate and her pain calls to him, turning him blind to the barriers.

"They're almost done, brother." Derek lays a hand on my shoulder to draw my attention from the door to him. Regret is written all over his face but his job's not done.

"You should have fucking warned me," I growl.

"I warned Jess, she knew exactly what she was doing. SHE asked me to hold back, knowing you'd never let her go through with it," he replies.

Outrage consumes me as I break his hold and shove him back. "How dare you!" I snap. "You pretend to watch out for her and do what's best but you'll use her like any other Guardian to achieve your mission! She means NOTHING to you!"

"The fuck she doesn't!" Derek snarls, shoving me back. "I've only ever tried to keep her safe but she's not a child, brother. I won't take away her choices and neither should you."

My need to keep her safe wars with my respect for her. Jess has called me out on this before, saying she's either my equal in all things or not at all.

"There's no easy answer," Derek practically whispers.

I drop down into a nearby chair, feeling trapped. Our bond hums but no longer screams at me, allowing Cyrus to relent though he sits there, ever watchful.

"It's over," Derek mumbles.

I'm on my feet in an instant, beelining for the door but Derek stops me short. I turn on him, having had enough, but the sombre look on his face douses my anger in cold water.

"She needs you brother," he says, locking his gaze on mine.

"I know, I-"

"No, you don't understand... What she did has left her as raw as the day it happened. She doesn't need Alpha Glass to ask her questions or nose around, she needs her mate to hold her and remind her that she's loved and safe."

I nod, considering his words. He knows me too well. I would have gone in there, wanting answers and angry that she did this without me, but all that matters is Jess and what she needs.

Cyrus whimpers, upset that I'm wasting precious moments instead of comforting her. Derek and Dex move aside, letting me pass through the office door.

The sight of my mate curled up on the sofa, her eyes puffy and red has my chest painfully tight. All I can smell is her fear in the room.

"Oh baby," I whisper, closing the distance between us.

Jess chokes back a sob and reaches for me. Without hesitation, I scoop her up. She buries her face in the crook of my neck and starts to cry as she latches on for dear life.

"Take her home Chris," Nell says, her face drawn and tired. 'Delegate to your rank wolves, she's fragile right now.'

I'm torn between giving her a piece of my mind and Jess, but only for a heartbeat before choosing Jess. Not needing to be told twice, I take her out of there and directly to our room.

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