15 Rusty

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The cold winter wind blows my ill-fitting jacket open once more as I curse under my breath. Overlapping the chest still leaves it flaring open around my stomach as I hug myself, trying to stay warm.

Fucking winter...

"Isn't it beautiful?!" Willow chirps, spinning in a circle with her arms held wide. Her long blonde locks swirl in the frigid wind that paints her cheeks rosy and leaves her skin paler than ever.

"I mean sure, if you like white?" I say with a shrug, looking around the freshly dusted landscape.

"Girl, ignore the grinch," Sasha chides, hooking her arm with Willow and earning a giggle. "Mi hates the snow too."

"It's not the snow I hate," Mira counters. "It's the fucking cold!"

Much like me, Mira is wrapped up in an oversized, extra fluffy winter jacket, puffball earmuffs that act like a headband for her curly red locks, and giant fur-lined mittens.

"You two do look like Popsicles," Mack teases, with Quinn bringing up the rear. Both wear thick woollen Guardian uniforms but nothing more.

"And not one of the fun flavours." Sasha's face is twisted in disapproval as she digs at Mira. Her and Willow look straight out of a winter wonderland catalog as they frolic in the snow.

I roll my eyes but can't dispute them.

Spring, summer and even fall are my seasons, I hate to be cold!

"Are we there yet?"

"Seriously?!" Quinn groans, rolling her eyes at me. "We've been walking for like fifteen minutes..."

"Yeah, we're here." Mack laughs, elbowing her partner.

They've brought us to a secluded clearing well removed from regularly used grounds and people. Despite being cold, our surroundings are quite scenic with tall trees and evergreens around us and a frozen pond ahead.

"And what are we doing here again?" Mira asks, side-eyeing the Guardians.

Quinn bumps her shoulder playfully with Mira's and grins. "You said you're rusty, so shake off the rust yeah?"

Mira gapes and glares at her like she's got two heads but Quinn laughs unfazed. Sasha and Willow however are in heaven and are messing around in the snow.

Wait, are they building a snowman?!

"So what? You just want me to do some magical jumping jacks?! It doesn't work like that," Mira grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yo, Mi," Sasha calls, drawing our attention. As if time slows, I see the icy white ball of snow beeline for Mira's head and her eyes shoot wide as heat radiates barely in time to melt it, letting slush hit her.

"Oh!" I gasp, seeing Mira's blue-green eyes switch to a crystal blue and the air around her takes on a charged feeling.

Sasha throws her head back and lets out a full belly laugh as she grips her sides. "Gahhh, you should see your face right now," she wheezes.

"You think that's funny?" Mira asks, a deadly warning tone in her voice. Sasha just raises a brow in challenge, bends down, and picks up another snowball.

"Don't," Mira orders but the mischievous glint in Sashas eyes makes it clear she's not about to listen.

Without hesitation, Sasha lobs the next snowball and grabs another before hiding behind their half-formed snowman for cover. Mira has no problem melting the projectile before contact this time and shifts her attention back to her meddlesome sister.

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