11 Oranges

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Sunlight filters through the lush green canopy as the delicate scent of orange blossoms permeates the air. A pair of newly released canaries flit from branch to branch, singing beautiful melodies as they soak up the rays.

"Hard to believe this is the same greenhouse," Mack muses, crouching down by the pond. She sprinkles food for the brightly coloured koi with a smile on her face. "It was such an overgrown weed patch."

I laugh softly at the Guardian's appraisal. To the untrained eye, it was, but I knew with a little love it would come back into a shade of its former glory.

"That's why you're the Guardian and I'm the GARDENER," I tease, turning the last pot for even growth.

"I think we've established you're both," she sasses, her green eyes shining with mischief.

"Maybe," I sigh as I flop down on the love seat. "But I think I'd like to spend some time just being a gardener or something." My hands drop to my ever-growing belly as a smile slips on my lips.

One thing's for sure, things are going to change soon with these two coming onto the scene.

Mack tosses the rest of the fish food in and brushes her hands off on the green Guardian uniform before taking a seat. "If anyone has earned some downtime, it's you," she says with a pointed look.

"Why do I think it's not that simple?" I groan.

Mack tosses her head back, letting out a sharp laugh before regaining control. "Because it's never that simple with you."

"Touché," I drawl, arching a brow.

Suddenly, the bright gold male canary flies down and lands on the coffee table in front of us. He positively glows in the sunlight as he calls over to his shy mate. Mack passes me a little brown bag that I open to see seeds and take out a pinch for them.

"Where'd they come from anyways?" I mumble, entranced by the birds. The male sings, urging her closer and picks up a seed before giving it to her.

Even bird mates like to feed each other...

"A certain old advisor," she trails off, leaning in like she's telling me some scandalous secret.

"Percival?" I gasp.

"The one and only," she confirms. "Shocked feels like an inadequate word, for his reaction when he came in and saw the result of your pruning... after his behaviour."

I can't help but cringe as memories of him yelling at me in front of the mob surface. The shear anger he unleashed left me shaken and thankful I haven't seen much of him since.

"If I had to guess, it's his way of saying sorry... He said something along the lines of a beautiful place deserves beautiful things and something about the queen liking nature?" she recites, furrowing her brows. "Something to that effect."

"They are very fitting," I agree.

Mack straightens and clears her throat, giving the doorway a pointed look. "I'm glad to see you back to normal, looks like your afternoon appointment is here."

I turn and follow her gaze, seeing Peter standing like a tree at the doorway. He looks the same as before, short chestnut hair, dark brown eyes, and a tightly cropped beard but that's where the familiarity ends.

Peter always had a stoic, grounded feel to him, like a unique mix of Jude and Xavier yet completely different. Now he feels like a mountain. He was already a big guy, but I think he's bulked up even more.

"Luna," he greets with a bow as I walk over. "Or is it Your Highness?" He furrows his brows and a frown takes hold as he considers his address.

"Just Jess," I reply, rolling my eyes. "Join me?"

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