39 Fairytale

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My life is a fairytale, complete with diabolical villains, Prince Charming and happily ever afters... I hope.

This whole day has felt like a dream. It's been a perfect day, with a perfect groom and wedding. No more dark shadows are looming over us, or monsters hiding in the dark, just us surrounded by the people we love.

I've focused for so long on keeping one foot in front of the other that it's taken months to relax and focus on being in the moment. Some of the things that have scared me the most, like being a mother, have turned out to be everything.

Chris may be a great king and a formidable Alpha, but he was born to be a father. When he's not teaching Ethan something, he spends every free moment he has with me and our twins.

He is the Prince Charming I never saw coming that rescued me from the tower I had walled myself away in. And this is our happily ever after, surrounded by friends and family.

Joy and happiness wash over me from every direction. I lost my shoes hours ago dancing with Willow as Kane and Chris laughed from a nearby table.

After both an eternity and not long enough, I feel myself start to slow down. As if he can sense it, Chris shows up and wraps his arms around me as we sway to the beat.

"Are you finally ready to leave?" he murmurs, his voice deep and seductive.

"Everyone looks to be having such a good time though," I whine, not wanting to ruin their celebration.

Chris chuckles and nuzzles my neck. "Baby, the party is gonna keep going on long after we're gone."

Not waiting for my answer, he starts to move us to the back of the tent toward the rear exit. Jude stands with his arm wrapped around Chloe next to a running SUV. The twins are visible in their car seats, safely buckled into the back seat.

"My shoes," I mutter, looking around frantically for footwear. Chris doesn't waste a moment and scoops me up to carry me over to the passenger seat.

"Baby, you don't need shoes where we're going." The way his eyes sparkle in the moonlight makes my breath catch, earning a dazzling grin.

"I almost forgot." Chris pauses and checks his pocket before he pulls off his tie.

"Seriously?" I ask as he tries to use it as a blindfold.

"Seriously." His reply leaves no room to argue so I let him tie the blindfold in place.

Chris carefully shuts my door then gets behind the wheel. A moment later, we're travelling down the open road. He turns on the radio to break up the silence and I sigh.

"So do I get to know where we're going?" My question comes out far more whiny than I mean it to but Chris just laughs.

"Of course... when we get there." His answer makes me groan but he doesn't elaborate. The road becomes less even and he slows down not to jostle the twins awake.

Finally, we come to a stop. I reach up to pull off my blindfold but Chris stops me.

"So impatient Baby," he teases. "Give me a minute, no peeking."

He opens his door and slips out then I hear him at the back seat, taking out the twins. The subtle smell of wood smoke drifts in the air, accompanied by the sounds of the night, cricket and frog song.

Just as my impatience is about to get the better of me, my door opens, making me jump. Chris chuckles, reaching over and unbuckles me.

"Grab on," he instructs as he slips his arms under me to scoop me up once more. The cool evening air skims across my exposed skin, setting goosebumps off in its wake. "Now you can look, Baby."

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