35 What Could Go Wrong?

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"So how is she today?" Jace asks, sipping his coffee. My Beta sits on the other side of my desk along with Ryker as Derek hovers while we assess structural drawings.

"About the same," I admit with a sigh. "She's been sleeping a lot... Doc's not concerned, given the circumstances..."

"But you are," Ryker says, filling in the gap. I simply nod. "I can't imagine what it must be like to not only have to deal with your own grief but everyone else's."

"It's only gotten worse with the pregnancy." I frown, knowing she still has time left and no guarantees that things will get easier once she has the babies.

"Time brother," Derek cautions. "She just needs time. That woman has been through more in the last two weeks than most people deal with in their lifetimes."

My frown deepens to a scowl, thinking about everything that has happened. I had her ex in my sights, I could have ended him then and there, but I chose her instead, something I always will.

"She's also a helluva lot tougher than the average person too though," Jace counters, arching a brow.

I shake my head and sigh. "I don't want her to have to be," I mumble.

"No one does brother," Derek agrees, taking a seat beside us. "But after this, she just needs to recharge. Nell is happy with where she is..."

"You get updates?" I growl, glaring at my brother. Jess has been talking with Nell for a few weeks now and I see the improvement, but would never pry into that. Derek however, lacks boundaries when it comes to Jess.

Derek laughs and grins at me. "Mack would have my balls! No brother, Vixen wellbeing is her department, one she's made very clear for me to keep my nose out of."

A crooked smirk tugs on my lips watching my brother squirm. As a young man, he slept his way through packs, pissing our father off to no end. That all stopped suddenly when I now know he found his mate and lost her. Never once did I see him with someone afterwards till Mack.

"So, things with Mack-"

"Aren't we here for the plans?" Derek grumbles, cutting me off. "They're nearly done with the repairs... once they figure out how to deal with the keystone."

"Actually, Mira has a solution there," Jace offers, placing a figurine on the table.

I pick it up, realizing the lump of clay is roughly shaped into a man and arch my brow. "Golem?"

"She says two of them will be able to move the capstone in place easily," he replies with a shrug. "Above my pay grade but her and Sasha are confident."

"How long will it take?" I ask, intrigued but the little clay man in my hand.

"They're just waiting for the go-ahead." His playboy grin is in place, already knowing my answer.

"If it makes it easier, why are they waiting for my go-ahead?" I ask, standing up.

"Giant clay men walking around? Gee, what could go wrong?" Derek scoffs, following me out.

The great front hall that was destroyed in the battle has been gutted and is in a state of repair. All of the fancy artwork is away for safekeeping and restoration, the plaster is all gone, even the fine marble has all been removed to fix the underlying structure.

"Sire," the lead Mason greets, walking over to us. "Nearly there."

The skilled stone artisan came the next day from one of the mountain packs to oversee repairs. Percival saw to it that the best of all trades were called in to help as soon as possible. With the mountain pass a mess, a small army of masons were needed.

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