6 Broken Trust

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Chapter 6 (Broken Trust) 

We walked into the Bieber's house together. I didn't have any clothes with me, and I decided not to enter my house again for the next few days. I'm never going to get that image out of my head.

"Do you need a shirt or something?", Pattie asked with a warm tone. 

"No, it's okay...", I lied. 

"By the way, you can sleep in Justin's bed, he'll sleep on the couch." 

Justin looked at the mom with an annoyed face. She looked back at him with her eyes widened.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes. It was 5 in the afternoon and the sun was still out.  

I felt someone sit down next to me. 

When I looked up, I realized it was Justin. He smirked.  

"What?", I hissed.  

"What do you mean?", he made a stupid grin and pretended to be dumb.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" 

"I just sat down quickly!" 

"You sat on my feet." 

"Most girls would definitely not mind me doing this." 

"Do I look like 'most girls'?" 

"Yes. But you don't act like one."

"Don't fight guys!", I heard Pattie call from the distance. Justin and I turned around and then stared back at each others eyes. I could feel my cheeks heat up. Shit. STOP BLUSHING.

"Do I make you blush?", he asked in a humble way. My cheeks probably got even redder when he said that.  

"No. It's just really hot in here.", I tried to lie. 

"Sure.", he whispered and patted me on my arm. I laughed.  

''You are so conceited.'', I punched his arm softly in a friend kind of way. He gave me a cheeky smile back. I realized he was still sitting on my feet, so I awkwardly pushed myself away from him. My phone started buzzing in my pocket. The screen read 'James'. I picked up.

''What's up, James?'', I exclaimed.  

''Nothing just being bored. You wanna come over?'' 

''Nah, I'm at Justi-... I'm at someone's house...'' 


''Uh. Yeah...''  

''But... We could meet up somewhere! Like Yoghurtland or so?'' 

''Sure. 20 minutes?'' 

''Perfect. See you then!'' 

''See ya.''

I hung up the phone and sighed. Justin looked at me with a dazzled expression. ''Why did you hesitate at saying my name? Is that your boyfriend?'', Justin asked.  

''Well, you're famous and stuff... I thought you might be embarrassed of the fact, that I'm at your house...'', I mumbled back.  

''Why would I be embarrassed?'' 

''I dunno... It's also you're dating Selena... I-I... I thought maybe... She would... She... You know...'', I majorally blushed at the thought of me dating Justin. How the heck could I think that?  

''What? No... It's fine. I'm not embarrassed to be seen with a pretty girl!'' Justin blushed as well. It seemed as if it blurted out of him. We both felt the awkward silence and it killed me. Calm down, he was just being friendly.  

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