8 Flowers Don't Die

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Chapter 8 (Flowers Don't Die) 

I woke up in a familiar room with a familiar scent in it.

When I opened my eyes I looked around. I sat up straight and loooked down at my arms. Deja vu. Of course. 

My arms were wrapped with a white bandage. When I looked to my left, I realized Justin was sleeping right next to me. What time is it? 

I glanced over to the tv, where the clock was, and checked it. 8PM. 

I remembered the whole scene of my tuesday again. Alessia, Sammy, Cece, Ryan, Justin, Pattie, Ryan, Justin, Alessia, Sam...

My head started throbbing. 

I went to the bathroom, discovered my phone in the pocket of my jeans, and then checked it. 

I had an unknown phone number on my screen. I frowned and called the number back. 

As it beeped 6 times, the voice mail came. 

When I listened to the voice mail, I recognized it. It was the hospital, my mom was at! I stood up from the toilet and opened the door.

When I came out of the bathroom, Justin was sitting upstraight. He looked worried. 

''Justin?'', I cautiously mumbled as I walked closer towards him. 

He jumped, with his eyes widened. He then rested his right hand on his chest. ''You scared me!'', he gasped, with his eyes still focused on the ground. 

I giggled. 

''Sorry! Didn't think 'Justin Bieber' could get scared too!'', I muttered. 

He grinned at me.

When I sat down next to him, he glanced at my arms that were wrapped in white bandage. His facial expression switched to a worried and down-hearted one. 

''So...'', he started. ''What happened?''

I sighed and looked at him. He was still staring at the bandage on my arm, like it was the scariest thing in the world. 

He was frowning, and it was clear, that he didn't feel comfortable, asking a question like that. 

''Nothing.'', I replied slowly. 

''Katy. Why were you cutting yourself? You can tell me.'' He looked really worried, I could tell. And it seemed as if he actually cared. But he probably didn't. It was just my mind making things up. 

''Why do you care?'', I whispered. It was more of a weak whisper. I could feel a tear slip out of my eye. It was silent. It wasn't awkward or so, because we got used to each other's presence. 

I quickly got up, deciding not to discuss this right now. 

''I-I'm sorry... I can't... I'm g-getting some fresh air.'', I stuttered as I walked towards the door with my phone in my hands. 

I opened the door and shut it right after me. 


It was 8PM and I was at the Santa Monica Peer,  laying on the sand, close to the sea water. 

Thoughts whirled in my head about Justin, my mom and just everyone. It was all too much for me. I could hear people laughing and couples making out at the peer, while the sun was going down. It made me really depressed and sad, because that was all I ever wanted. A family. 

I realized I need someone back in my life. This person is important to me, and I need that person. She really is like my family. 


I nervously dialed Alessia's phone number, because I deleted it out of my address book. I hesitated before pressing the 'call' button. 

I then carefully pressed call and held the phone against my right ear. 

There were 3 beeps and then I could hear someone say:


''Yeah... Uh, hi... It's me... Um, Katy...''

''Oh my god Katy! I am so sorry about everything! It's all my fault! I thought you hated me and you'd never talk to me again! I was considering calling you, but then I was like, nah she doesn't like you anymore and then I was just crying and depression started to build up inside me and not even Austin was able to mend it and I just miss you. Really badly. I miss you, Katy.''

''I miss you too Alessia. I'm sorry I ddin't tell you about Justin. I should've come to you...''

''So we're good?''

''Only if you don't ditch me for Samantha and Cece again!''

''Oh my god! They are such hoes! Slang for 'whores' Sammy bitch may I say, tried to take Austin away from me! Austin told me all about it and then it was like...''

Suddenly she stopped talking and I heard someone in the background call her. 

''Uh, Katy Kate's, gotta go. Tell you tomorrow. Byeeee mwwaaaah!! Love you!''

''Bye! Love you!'' 

I couldn't even say goodbye, because she hung up on me. Hah. Typical Aly. I grinned to myself. 

It felt good. Yes. Everything did. 

Sometimes in life, it's the small things you got to enjoy. It's your only choice. And that's what this felt like. I grinned to myself for the whole way back home to Justin's. 

I felt like all the good sides in me, like flowers, just died for a moment and then came back. Because of the sun. The sun made the flowers wake up. I thought the flowers in me were dead, but they never were. I just needed the sun to make them wake up. And my sun, at the moment, was Alessia. 

That's it. 

Hopefully I will keep that in mind.

Because flowers don't die. They fall asleep, right?

I don't even know what I'm talking about. But I can't understand it. 

So anyone can. 

Flowers don't die. 


Author's note: My descriptions suck. Stop right now and read another story. 'Cause you probably don't like it. PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK I NEED IT!!!!!! 


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