11 The Past Brings Back Memories

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Chapter 11  (The Past Brings Back Memories) 

When James drove me to Justin's, he dropped me off and left.

I walked in with a smile etched onto my face. 

Justin and Pattie were both sitting on the couch. Justin's head was hanging on his shoulders and he seemed... Tired-

I knitted my eyebrows and traipsed over to them. 

Pattie looked up, sympathy clearly written on her face. I noticed her arm wrapped around Justin. 

''Is everything okay?'', I questioned. 

''Justin, do you want to tell her, or should I...?'' Pattie started, but then was interrupted by Justin: ''Whatever, she doesn't care.''

Justin perked up utterly angry, dropping his mom's arm on the couch. He walked away, slamming his bedroom door and leaving us unresponsive. 

I sucked in my stomach and sensed the rocketing of my heart.  

Pattie averted her eyes from me and looked at the ground. 

''I... I'm sorry, but I'm not sure, if I should tell you, if Justin doesn't want me too...'', she stammered with a peculiar tone. 

I knew that something was going on. I was going to find out, after Justin's anger would ease a little.

I sat next to her on the couch, and looked at her. 

I then said: ''It's fine, really... But... How long will I be able to stay here? I just wanted to say, how thankful I am, for all of this. I mean, who would do that? You guys are amazing and definitely the best neighbors ever, but... I also... I don't wanna bother what you and Justin have here, you know?''

''Honey, stay as long as you want! You are welcome anytime! I used to have problems at my home too... Justin's father and I, we used to fight all the time. Justin was still a little baby, but I know that he could sense the anger and frustration in me. He saw it all. We still fight, even today. It's really hard for Justin, but he just sucks it in and pretends as if nothing is going on. He shakes it off. He doesn't like expressing his feelings. He has always been like that... But he is a great guy. And you, sweetie, are welcome anytime!''

''Thank you so much, Pattie, and about Justin, I didn't know that. I know that all boys are like that, but I believe that he truly can express what he feels...''

''I don't know... Anyways, I gotta get going, because I'm gonna get some groceries now! I'll be back at about 8? Well... it's 5 now... I like ton take my time, so I'll be back pretty late.'' she mumbled. 

She beamed from ear to ear and then left. 


Justin kept snagging in my mind from time to time throughout the time Pattie was gone. It was 7PM and I was laying on the couch since 5PM. 

What does he mean? What don't I care about? Did I do something? What's going on? 

As these thoughts congealed in my head, my phone started buzzing. 

I grabbed the phone that was laying on the coffee table, and studied the text message on the display. 

Yo KATY, here's Taylor, remember? :)

Hey, umm, I'm in front of ur house right now. Sounds creepy, right?

Yeah, well I need to tell ya something! So get out ;) 

Kiss, kiss Taylor ;)))))

A ghastly feeling entered my body. How the heck does this boy know my flippin' ADDRESS?! 

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