14 Differ From Right and Wrong

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Chapter 14

Monday rolled around extremely swiftly. Justin and I had a lot of fun on friday, especially at night, when we both fell asleep after hours of talking.

I got to meet all of his habits and bad sides, and he also got to learn what mine were.

It was time for school and I was still at Justin's. I had fallen asleep on his lap last night. I ended up waking up on his chest. No idea how I got up there.

I simultaneously stretched and straightened. When I was sitting up straight, I grinned to myself, as I observed Justin's sleeping face.

Is it just me, or does everyone look young and innocent when they're asleep?

I patted my dark blonde hair and detangled it, by pushing through strands of hair that contained knots, with my fingers. For some reason I was already extremely awake and sort of hyperactive, even though we both went to bed quite late.

I jumped up and grasped a pair of white jeans that we went to pick up at mine yesterday, when we came back from Disneyland. I also clutched a bright pink tee shirt to my chest.

As I carefully slipped out of his bedroom, I also shut the door as quiet and cautious as possible.

The kitchen clock revealed 6:30.

Why would I get up so early?


After I took a nice long shower, I started thinking about Taylor. The way he kissed me, it was so... Ugh, I hate to say this, but it was so harsh. I had never made out with someone, so I didn't know what it was supposed to feel like.

Everyone always said, you know it and you can feel it, if he's the one, or if it's right. But it all felt so ... Unreal. Not the good kind. The bad kind.

Fake. Strange. Weird. I thought it felt right, but I was lying to myself. It was definitely missing something too.

Plus, he just kissed me. Just like that. Without even knowing me that well... He knew me from earlier, in kindergarten, but he didn't know the person I was now.

No, no, no... His sister is my bestfriend for goodness sake! This should be like heaven to me! It should be... But it's not. STOP IT!

After all of my weird thoughts, I examined my phone display. 7:45.

Wow! I showered for a really long time!

I tip-toed into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. As I was about to take my first bite, my head dropped down to study my outfit. I didn't like the long white jeans with the loose pink shirt. It looked really boring. I placed the apple back on the counter, opened the drawer next to it and searched for the scissors. My hasty hand travelled through the entire drawer, my eyes following it.

I was about to slam the drawer shut again, but then I realized I should be quiet. The drawer noiselessly rolled back and closed.

My hand opened another drawer. This time I let my eyes search for it. When they landed on the scissors that were sitting next to the knives, I snatched them and smashed the drawer shut by accident.

I skipped into the bathroom and threw my clothes off. First I gripped my white jeans and held them up in the air. My eyes narrowed and my head turned, with the purpose of scrutinizing the pants in front of me. Then I seized the scissors that I tossed in the sink. The scissors quickly cut through the pants, therefore the piece fell off on that one leg. I did the same on the other leg.

A pleased smirk fell onto my face as I gazed at the shorts in front of my eyes.

The shorts slithered up my legs, until they were in place.

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