9 White Lies (Part I)

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Chapter 9 (White Lies Part I) 

The next morning, (Thursday) I woke up on Justin's couch. I slowly stood up and yawned. I searched for my phone, which had to be in my jeans somewhere. I slept in my jeans and shirt, because I was too lazy, to take off my stuff.

When I finally found it in my pocket, I checked it. It was 10 AM.

Wait what? 


Shit, I'm too late for school!

I ran towards my schoolbag, grabbed it and then hopped to the etrance door, while I tried to put on my converse.

I suddenly stopped at the front door, when I found a note sitting on the floor, in front of the door.

Good morning sweetie!

Here's Pattie, and I wanted to let you know,  

that I called your school, told them you need 

a bit more of a rest, and you'll return to school 

tomorrow. Justin and I went off to rehearsals for 

Justin's concert. Please grab a breakfast in  

the kitchen and relax this afternoon. We'll 

be back at about 3 PM.

xoxx pattie

I dropped the note and ate some cereal.

After my meal, I fixed my hair and put on clothes, that I found in my schoolbag.

I decided to phone the hospital, I totally forgot calling, and see how my Mom was doing.

It rang 6 times and then a young female voice said: ''Hospital Beverly Hills, Emergency Station, how may I help you?''

''Hi! Umm, I would like to speak to my mother Diana George, please?'', I said with a sleepy voice.  

''And you must be... Wendy George?'' 

''What? No... My name is... Wait... Why Wendy George?'' 

''Wendy George was born in 1994, in this hospital. Daughter of Diana Jennifer George.'' 

''Well, Diana Jennifer George is definitely my mom, but... Umm, miss, I think there's a missunderstanding, because my name is Katy George and I was born in the exact same hospital, but 2 years later. Someone probably put in the wrong information...'' 

''Hold on...'' 

Voices spoke in the background. People were obviously argueing about something. The young lady returned: ''No, Wendy George is 20 going on 21 and she was here just yesterday. She came to visit her mother Miss Diana George.'' 

My hands started sweating and I felt a bit faint. So my mom kept a secret from me my entire life? She kept my apparent SISTER away from me?! But it's not even possible... Who is this girl anyway? This is stupid, I need to stop making stuff up. 

''Um. Hello?'', I heard the woman say.  

''Yes... I'm still here... I... I was just wondering... Which room is my mom in? I'd like to speak to her.'' 

''Are you related to her?'' 

''Of course! I just said I was her daughter!'' 

''Tell me your name again?'' 

''Katy George.'' 

''Sorry, but I can't give you any details, because you aren't registered here. Apparently you were born somewhere else, and I can't find the data. If you could come over today, you could show me your passport or a license or something?'' 

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