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"I want to go to Jay-ssi's concert!!"

"No!" Sunoo said sternly fixing his hair in the mirror.

"But it's his first concert where he performs his rock songs live" the kid whined.

"Oh for crying out loud your pathetic idol is nothing more than a stuck up heartless piece of shi-"

"Jinwoo!" Ni-ki entered opening his arms to the 11 year old "Why are you here?"

The boy jutted out his bottom lip and sighed "To go to Jay-ssi's concert..."

Ni-ki's face went blank. He can already imagine the horrible things Sunoo said about Jay to the kid.

"I'll take you!" Ni-ki offered knowing his soon-to-be-fiancée would never agree.
Even if he did Jay would be reported headless before he made it onto stage.

"You're not taking him" Sunoo interrupted standing his ground about Jay.

"But babe he really wants to-"

Sunoo looked at Ni-ki, his eyebrows furrowed. Ni-ki told Jinwoo to wait in the living room and he closed the door.

Sunoo went back to fixing his hair and Ni-ki sat on the bed behind him.

"Sunoo I know you hate Jay but he is Jinwoo's idol " Ni-ki tried reasoning with him.

After a few seconds of Sunoo ignoring Ni-ki, the older turned to him.

Ni-ki looked at him, his hands clasped together practically begging him.

Sunoo pulled Ni-ki's ear "Ouch babe! Babe! I'm sorry I won't ask again" he cried out in pain but Sunoo pulled harder.

"I'll let you take him on one condition" Sunoo said.

"Anything- fuck stop that!" Ni-ki winced but Sunoo pulled harder.

"I'm tagging along with you guys" Sunoo stayed his condition but Ni-ki got worried.

"But he only needs- OUCH! okay okay! you can come with us" Ni-ki agreed and Sunoo smiled letting go off Ni-ki's ear.

Ni-ki rubbed his red ear hissing at the sting it left.

"You're a monster" Ni-ki mumbled with his red ear and Sunoo turned around immediately.

"What did you say?"

"N-nothing babe I'll go um get Jinwoo ready" Ni-ki smiled at left the room quickly.


Jay stood there before his fans aka bluejays. He adored each and every one of them but some are a bit weirder than others.

Jay began his concert with his opening song from his recent album.

Midway into the concert with Jay vibing to his title songs and his fans joined in. He glanced over at the crowd taking in the moment but his eyes landed on a pair he hasn't seen in a while.

Suddenly Jay stopped and so did his fans. Everyone confused but soon Jay recollected himself and continued.

"Uncle Riki!" the kid tugged on his shirt.

"Hey we talked about this I'm not an uncle okay?"

"Okay but mommy bought me backstage passes" the kid waved the three tickets in the air.

Sunoo turned to them and. frowned "Let's go the concert is over"

"But-" Jinwoo looked at Ni-ki with hopeful eyes and the latter sighed.

"Babe he has backstage passes" he informed his boyfriend.

"Okay" Sunoo said and walked forward into the line for lucky fans with backstage passes. Both Ni-ki and Jinwoo were surprised but followed him.

"I'm literally shaking. He's so perfect I bet he looks so god-worthy up close" he rambled and it kind of sickened Sunoo.

"Okay you guys are next" the security let them in after doing a proper check.

Jinwoo walked into the room first "Ahh Jay-ssi! I love your albums and I've been your fan since day one I can't believe I am meeting you here right now! Am I dreaming?!" Jinwoo slapped himself and Jay laughed but his laughter soon died down seeing the same pair he hoped was an illusion or mistake earlier.

"Ni-ki...Sunoo..." Jay called a wave of memories hitting him like a truck.

"You know my uncles?!" Jinwoo jumped in excitement.

Ni-ki gave the kid a glare "Oh I meant my very handsome uncles"

Jay smiled turning his attention back to the kid "Your handsome uncles and I went to the same college"

Jinwoo couldn't care less about that. He got his autograph and pictures before their time was up.

"Bye Jay-ssi! See you at your next concert!" Jinwoo bid him goodbye and left with the security.

Sunoo and Ni-ki were about to leave until Jay spoke.

"It wasn't my fault guys I-i s-swear" he choked out.

Ni-ki looked back at Sunoo who was already upset.

Sunoo took a deep breath and only made another step towards the exit before Jay spoke again.

"Believe me I have proof!" Jay pleaded practically a mess. If his fans saw him like this they wouldn't believe this was the same person they saw on stage.

Sunoo turned around almost immediately and walked up to Jay startling him and Ni-ki, who looked more worried.

"Prove it then! Prove you didn't kill my best friend!"

Reveal- Jaywon ff (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now