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^^ Can we talk about this Jay edit that's been trending?! HJSADHDAJAHSJ PARK JONGSEONG?!!


"It's been 8 days!" Sunoo whisper-shouted at the couple sat across him "He said 7 days! One week!" 

"He's an idol, Sunoo. I'm sure he's trying his best to see him" Heeseung whispered back.

"Yes but-"

"What are you guys whispering about hyung?" Jungwon entered, he looked brighter and better each day also his wounds are slowly healing.

"Nothing, wonie. Come, have lunch!" Heeseung gestured for him to sit and went to fix up a plate for Jungwon.

"Hyungs..." Jungwon began, fiddling with the tips of his fingers. Anyone could tell he was nervous but why?

"Hm?" Sunghoon responded. Jungwon had his hyungs full attention, even Heeseung's who stopped what he was doing.

"Thank you for taking care of me" Jungwon responded and they all let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh! Jungwonie it's nothing! You're like our brother since day one!" Sunoo said swinging his arm over Jungwon's shoulder.

"Sunoo's right! We're just happy you're alive now" Sunghoon added but their words were stopped when Jungwon spoke again.

"I want to work"

A deafening silence entered the room, one could say it was suffocating especially for Jungwon. 

"I really want to work now. I'm fine and I want to help out" Jungwon insisted.

"Jungwon- your mom. She's still out there! The police haven't found her yet. It's really not safe" Heeseung pleaded putting a plate full of food in front of Jungwon.

"I'm awake now hyung and I'm aware of surroundings. It won't happen again!" Jungwon still persisted "Please hyung. I don't want to stay here for free, I want to help" he pleaded with tears forming in his eyes.

Sunoo, Sunghoon and Heeseung all looked at each other not knowing what to do.

"Fine, get a job if you insist"



They both turned to him and Jungwon's eyes lit up but went back to it's dull color when he saw his other hyung's reaction.

"Guys, he'll be fine. I trust you Jungwon-ah" Heeseung said, he put his faith in Jungwon "But on one condition"

"Anything!" Jungwon spurted out.

"We chose where you work" Heeseung stated and Jungwon happily agreed. 

Sunoo and Sunghoon didn't say anything after. They both knew they had a say in where Jungwon works so he should be fine.

"Jin hyung's café" Heeseung announced.

"I thought we had a say in this?" Sunghoon asked his fiancé. Heeseung turned to him and smiled.

"Do you disagree?" he asked them both and they shook their head.

"Good. Listen, Jungwon, Jin hyung's an amazing person and once he gets to know you, you'll be in safe hands trust me" Heeseung said and Jungwon nodded with a mouth full of food.


"Jin hyung?" Heeseung walked in the café with Jungwon behind him. The café was simple and beautiful. Jungwon was in awe.

Just then, a man, who in Jungwon's opinion, looked around his late thirties but he was tall and handsome, Jungwon couldn't deny that.

"Heeseung-ah!" Jin greeted Heeseung with a tight hug and then looked at Jungwon, eyes stuck on him.

"Is that...Jungwon?" Jin's eyes widened recognizing the boy from his photo on his 'funeral' and on the news.

Heeseung nodded and Jin started rambling about how shocked he was and Jungwon leaned in to whisper to Heeseung.

"Hyung, he looks um a bit too old" Jungwon commented and Jin immediately stopped talking, his face serious.

"Yah! I heard that! I'm still 29 you know!" Jin protested and Jungwon snickered.

"Jin-hyung, he's just getting back on his feet so please excuse him" Heeseung apologized also trying not to laugh at Jungwon's comment.

"Okay okay! So why are here? You rarely visit these days" Jin commented.

Heeseung pulled Jungwon in front of him so Jin can clearly see him "Jungwon needs a job at your café" 

Jin looked skeptical at first but Jungwon put on his best pleading face "Oh alright! But remember, I'm 29!" he repeated hoping to get his age stuck in Jungwon's head.

"Great! Thanks hyung! Also um please keep him out of harm's way especially his mother. I'm sure you've seen on the news they're looking for her" Heeseung informed and Jin nodded.

"He's safe here don't worry" Jin reassured and then flicked Jungwon's head "So when can you start, Jungwon?"

"Anytime" Jungwon shrugged not really having a busy schedule.

Jin thought for a few seconds and then said "How about today?" 

"Today?!" Jungwon choked out. This old guy can't be serious. It's almost 2:00pm, who on earth would start work now?

"Why not? Think of it as a practice so you can get used to how things run around here" Jin said and Jungwon agreed not really having a choice.

"Well that's sorted, have fun guys" Heeseung said and left the café.

Jin took Jungwon to the kitchen "Jungwon, meet my workers" Jin introduced him. There were two really handsome guys standing there looking at him.

"Hello, I'm Choi Yeonjun, the baker" Yeonjun greeted, he was covered in flour, it was hard to believe if he was baking or just making a mess.

"Hey, I'm Choi Soobin" he introduced himself "The real baker" he glared at Yeonjun who gave a guilty smile.

"He's just the waiter, don't mind him" Jin said brushing off Yeonjun's childish behavior "Jungwon is our new worker, he'll help you two with whatever. So I'm leaving him in your hands" Jin said and gave Jungwon a pat on his back and wished him good luck.

Jungwon will definitely need it because soon he'll realize how chaotic this duo really is.


A/N: You're favorite author is back! I'm kidding. It's been a while but I'm back with this story! Prepare yourselves we're about to ride on a rollercoaster of emotions soon.

Thank you all for being so patient! I love you guys so much <3

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