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"Jay?!" Ni-ki jumped seeing the aforementioned standing right next to him in shock "I mean Jay! Long time no see man let's go for a drink yea? and leave those two for a little" Ni-ki put his arm around Jay's shoulder but the other wouldn't udge as if paralyzed.

On the other side, the second Jungwon heard Jay's voice he pulled his arm from Sunoo's grasp and pulled his hood down to hide his face.

Noticing this Jay got angry and marched towards Jungwon, pulling his hood down harshly along with strands of his hair "Jungwon" he uttered again in a more serious tone. Jungwon heart broke into pieces at one look from Jay.

The look gave that used to give him warmth and comfort are now icy cold. It was as if Jay wanted nothing to do with him which made Jungwon let out a choked cry.

Jay didn't react to this only sparing one last glance at Jungwon and walked away releasing the grip he had on Jungwon's head.

Jungwon fell to the ground crying, he should've been more careful. They weren't supposed to know he was still alive and now Jay hates him. He moved on and Jungwon needs to accept it.

Sunoo ran to Jungwon and hugged ignoring the dirty street that he sat on. He was happy and relieved to his best friend.

"I missed you Jungwon" Sunoo cried into his jacket, arms wrapped tightly around Jungwon afraid that this may all be just a dream.

Meanwhile as Jay walked away he was stopped by Ni-ki who looked at his with no remorse. "You'll regret leaving him like this. Mark my words Jay. I'll make sure Jungwon never forgives you for what you did just now"

"What do you know huh?!" Jay shouted at him "All these months I thought he was dead! I had my hope he was still alive but trying to find him brought me nothing but trouble and pain! You don't know how many- how many nights I couldn't sleep looking for him!" Jay pointed at Jungwon who cried harder on the floor with Sunoo beside him "Then suddenly, when I'm finally happy he shows up expecting me to run to him and everything will be fine? No, I've suffered way too much for this, it's my turn to be happy"

"Oh, you selfish little- "

"Ni-ki leave it alone" Sunoo said forcing out his words after crying so much

Ni-ki fists clenched wanting to punch Jay until he swallowed every word he just said. Jay laughed mocking Ni-ki and walked out as if nothing happened.

"Ni-ki, let's take Jungwon home, he's cold"

"No! I can't go! Please- g-go leave me here" Jungwon cried removing himself from Sunoo's arms "P-please forget you saw me. I beg you" cries were heard but no tears came out his eyes were dry from all the crying.

"Are you insane?! We will take care of you. We're your friends, Jungwon, please come with us" Sunoo begged trying his best not too look at the deep wounds Jungwon had on his arm and who knows where else.

In one swift motion, Jungwon got up and ran away from there wincing at the pain that shit through his body.

"Jungwon wait!" Sunoo tried chasing after him but Ni-ki held him back.

"It's best if we not" he reassured but Sunoo wasn't listening, Jungwon needs to go to the hospital.

"We need to go to the police now" Sunoo said pulling Ni-ki with him but the other refused to move.

"I've tried! Everyone believes he's dead and refuse to open his case again" Ni-ki said with an unsettling feeling in his stomach.

"Wait a minute" Sunoo looked up at Ni-ki "You were with Jungwon? Why? Did u know he was alive all this time?"

Ni-ki was caught off guard by the question without knowing how to respond or where to even start telling Sunoo from.

"Ni-ki!" Sunoo grabbed his collar harshly, shaking him "You knew! You knew our friend was alive and you didn't tell me anything?!"

The other just stood there regretting not telling his lover even so he didn't say a word which drove Sunoo crazy.

With one strong push Ni-ki hit the wall behind him "Fine! Don't tell me. I'm staying at Heeseung's tonight. Don't come to look for me nor call me Riki- "

Sunoo's uber arrived just in time and he stepped into the car.

"Sunoo wait- "Ni-ki tried to stop his ignoring the pain in his back.

"I trusted you Riki"


A/N: this chapter wasn't proofread so please excuse any mistakes made. thank you for reading i love you guys <3

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