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^^Jay's face whenever he misses his bunny boy.


"Son! Son!"

Jay's mother bursted into his dorm room.

"Mom you're not allowed here!" Jay reminded her worried that something happened.

"I know *breathes heavily* but I-i" Jay's mother stood there panting heavily meanwhile Jay brought her a glass of water.

"Mom sit down" Jay offered heer on his single bed "Now what is it?" Jay asked after he saw her calm down a little but still agitated as if she saw a ghost.

"I-i saw him" she said turing to Jay looking at him dead in the eyes.


"Jungwon" his mother said. Jay almost burst into laughter if he had not taken a look at her serious and mortified face.

"Mom you're seeing things again aren't you?" Jay asked recalling that one time his mother also did the same thing.


"Jongseong honey!" Jungwon's mother came into the living room breathless.

"Mom! You dropped all the groceries! Are you hurt?!" Jay ran to her checking her for any injuries.

"I'm not hurt but-but I saw- I saw W-wonie"

His body stilled. Jungwon's funeral was only a month ago. His mother must be hallucinating or something.

"Mom Jungwon's dead" Jay said finding those three words the most difficult to say.

"Are you saying I'm blind?!" Jay's mother asked "I've known him since he was a toddler!" she shouted.

Jay took her to the sofa and tried calming her down.

"Mom it can't be possible Jungwon is in a better place now" Jay felt hot tears sting his eyes as he fought back a cry.


"Mom please don't do this" Jay begged.

Jay's mother turned to him and hugged her son "Maybe I was mistaken after all it's impossible for him to be alive"

End of Flashback.

"I'm not! I promise this time he was real!" she shook Jay's arm as if she was crazy.

"Mom please stop this.." Jay asked her calmly but she continued crying repeating how she saw him again and again.

"JUNGWON IS DEAD MOM! HE IS NOT COMING BACK!" Jay shouted startling his mother who didn't utter another word after.

Jay got up and ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't want to think of a possibility that Jungwon is alive. If he does he may just go as crazy as his mother.

"I'm sorry son I'll leave" she said dragging her feet to the door and leaving without a goodbye from either of the two.

Now Jay's head was a mess. He needs to accept the fact that Jungwon is and will never come back. His head is saying to stop it but his heart wants to believe the unimaginable.

Without realising Jay sent a vase smashing into the ground in pieces.

Jay broke down into tears letting himself drown in the broken glass pieces on the floor not caring about the cuts on his hands or legs.

"W-why are y-you doing t-this to me baby b-bunny?"


Sunoo sat in the living room surrounded by his boyfriend and his friends.

"Guys I'm sorry for blaming Jungwon's death on Jay" Sunoo apologized.

"About time!" Heeseung stood up "What made you finally come to your damn senses?! Hm?!" Heeseung asked demanding an answer.

"Baby sit down!" Sunghoon pulled his boyfriend back down on the sofa.

"Leave him, he looks a little rough" Sunghoon whispered feeling sorry for the boy by looking at his expression.

"It's alright hyung. I actually spoke with Jay and he explained everything to me well sort of" Sunoo said remembering Jay mentioning there was no evidence of Jungwon's body leaving the hospital room but officers couldn't seem to find it.

"Weird" Sunoo mumbled under
his breath.

"Hm?" Ni-ki turned to his boyfriend assuming he said something.

"Oh nothing" he brushed off.

"Anyways I'm just glad you don't have that hate towards Jay" Heeseung said bringing a bit of light to the conversation.

"Mhm" Sunoo nodded still lost deep in thought.


A/N: I'm back don't worry. Classes have started again so I may be updating later than expected. Hope you enjoy this chapter ily <3

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