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^^ this photo is the reason for my good mood today.


"I demand an answer!" Jay shouted slapping his hand down on the table, frightening some of the officers there.

"Sir please calm down. There is paparazzi outside, let's take this into our investigation room, yeah?" the officer tried reconciling with him and Jay obliged.

They entered the investigation room, accompanied by two officers "So what honor do we have of the famous Jay, to visit us" he said in sarcasm and Jay already didn't like his attitude.

"Cut the bullshit, why didn't you tell us she escaped?" Jay asked jumping to the point.

"We can discuss that later; do you want something to drink? A beer, perhaps?" the officer offered.

"I don't drink. Either you tell me the reason or I'll report to the minister of how crappy of a police force you are" Jay threatened and the officer looked a little intimidated.

"Okay, I'll tell you. Listen, it wasn't our intention not to tell you it's just we didn't wanna bother you guys" the officer said, Jay let out an annoyed sigh and looked at the officer with eyes that could kill anyone.

"Where is she now?" Jay asked changing the question.

"Don't know" the officer shrugged and it pissed Jay off even more.

"How the fuck you do you not know? An entire year and yet none of you lazy officers can find her! She drugged her son! Her dead son! Did you know he was dead?! No, you don't!" Jay screamed the last part and walked out of the room furious.

He exited the police station and was greeted by flashing cameras and multiple interviewers.

"Jay, Jay can you please tell the media why you are here?" one interviewer asked.

"Jay, many are assuming that you have some sort of alliance against the police, care to comment?"

"No comment." Jay said and stepped into the car and left still having paparazzi at the window chasing them.


"Do you really need to create a scene everywhere u go?!" Sunoo shouted through the phone, having scene the media blow up with many questions and theories as to why Jay suddenly went to the police station.

"How is it my fault?" Jay asked clearly angry.

"You know you could've told me you were going and I would've gone for you!" Sunoo explained the solution to him but it was too late now. "We have to come up with a lie" he suggested.

"Just leave it alone, soon it will all the hype will die down a little" Jay said seemingly unbothered.

"If they don't get an answer from you they will demand one and they won't let this go so easily. You just need to- "

"Why is this any of your problem?" Jay snappped "Hm? Didn't you hate me for what happened to Jungwon?!" Jay argued with Sunoo who was taken aback "I didn't ask for you're help and you're not my manager to decide anything for me! Got that? Now stay out of my fucking business!" Jay shouted and hung up.

Sunoo looked at his phone and a frown formed on his lips "I was only trying to help"

"Sunoo where's the marshm- hey" Ni-ki stopped noticing tears running down Sunoo's face "What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" Ni-ki checked him for any bruises but didn't find any.

"I'm not hurt! Well not physically at least" Sunoo mumbled, wiping away his tears. Ni-ki looked at him sadly, wrapping his arms around him, pulling him in for a hug.

"It's alright, you can tell me when you're ready" Ni-ki patted Sunoo head trying to calm him down.

"Jay yelled at me" Sunoo sniffled after he stopped crying. Ni-ki lifted Sunoo off his shoulder and he looked angry, like really angry that Sunoo almost got scared.

"He did what?! Oh no, I'm gonna so kick his ass" Ni-ki rolled up his sleeves as his face slowly turned red b then he felt a loud slap on his arm.

"What are you going to do? Repeat that again?" Sunoo asked and Ni-ki gulped, his anger replaced by a little fear.


"Good" Sunoo said dropping his tone back to normal.

"Why are you defending him?" Ni-ki asked confused, Sunoo still stood up for Jay even after he yelled at him.

"I was wrong, I accused Jay of murder for almost half a year so the least I want to do is help him" Sunoo admitted still determined to help Jay with whatever he wants.

"Hey it's going to be fine, I promise. I'm sure he didn't mean to yell at you but if he did, he's gonna catch these hands" Ni-ki said putting up his fists in a fighting position making Sunoo erupt in a fit of giggles at his silliness.


A/N: double update! yay! hope you guys enjoy. my laptop is fixing again :( so i'm using another to update these chapters. thank you for your patience, ily <3

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