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^^guess who missed Ni-ki's live? me :(


"Jay hyung, I don't feel so good"

Jungwon came crawling in through the door. Jay looked at Jungwon's pale and limp body. With all his strength he tried freeing his arms and legs. It surely hurt to see Jungwon like this even if he moved on.

"I'm coming, bunny. I'll help you" Jay said eating his own words as he couldn't manage to get free, his wrists turning red and bruised from rubbing against the rope that tied him.

Heeseung woke up from the noise and his eyes widened to see Jungwon who fainted on the floor.

"Jay?" Heeseung turned to him, his mouth agape.

"Fuck- help me get out of this" Jay asked wriggling himself to get untied.

"Dumbass, I'm tied up too!" Heeseung shot him a glare and Jay's stupidity in this situation.

"We're here" 

Heeseung and Jay heard Ni-ki and Sunoo's voice behind them "You guys are alive?" Heeseung asked in shock and happiness.

"You think we'd die that fast? How low do you think of us, huh?" Sunoo sassed and untied Jay's hands and feet while Ni-ki did Heeseung's.

When Jay was almost free, he leaped forward and crouched down to Jungwon's side checking his pulse. He was thankfully still alive but his skin was cold as ice.

"We need to get him to a hospital" Jay cried out and Ni-ki shushed him.

"We can't! They suspect us already so we have to keep quiet and stay on the low" Ni-ki warned but Jay didn't even pay attention.

"He's dying you fucking asshole!" he shouted at Ni-ki and Sunoo went to him and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Are you deaf? Do you want us all to get killed?" Sunoo asked him "Jungwon, will be alright if you keep your mouth shut" he said and let go of Jay's mouth "Ew! I have Jay's saliva is on my hand" he wiped his palm on Ni-ki's shirt who just ignored it.

"Let's go through the stairs and there's a back entrance we can escape from" Ni-ki informed and signaled everyone to start moving. Jay lifted Jungwon onto his back and they all went to the exit.

"Wait- am i the only one who thinks Ni-ki knows this place more than anyone one of us? A little sus if you ask me" Heeseung whispered and Ni-ki would have already pushed him down the staircase if it weren't for Sunoo trailing behind him.

"This was his dad's warehouse" Sunoo spoke up.

"Woah! Are you serious? So you're rich rich like Jake and Jay?" Heeseung asked and Sunoo tapped him on his head.

"I don't live on my father's money and I never did no wonder he offered this warehouse to a criminal" Ni-ki said clearly pissed off and it was a tad bit obvious his father and him weren't on good terms.

They reached an empty, crowded room filled with old boxes and other things they'd like to not know off.

"Where's your boyfriend, by the way? I thought he would come save you by now?" Sunoo asked Heeseung.

"It's fiancé and he doesn't know. He went to pick up Jake from the airport since he'll be spending a few days in town with his sister" Heeseung said bitterly at the mention of Jake. The day he left was the happiest day of Heeseung's life and now he's back again.

"Yikes someone got some drama when they get home" Sunoo said.

"IF we get home. Now shut the fuck up you two" Jay whisper shouted.

"Okay guys this is the exit. There is an open yard here and I spotted my car a few meters away so I hope y'all wore your running shoes" 

"My foot already hurts from all this walking, now you want me run" Heeseung complained.

"Fine, you can stay" Ni-ki smiled at him and Heeseung gulped pushing past Ni-ki and opened the door.

"Going somewhere my dear guests?"

Reveal- Jaywon ff (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now