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^^ please the way jay looked at jungwon ToT


"Jay!" Jieun whispered "Jay!" she said a little louder "Jay!" she shouted snapping him out of his thoughts "Why did you let him leave?" she asked, as she saw the boy past him slowly, earlier.

"Let's um not bother him, yeah?" Jay asked still a state of confusion. Right now, it was his rain against his heart. One wanting to keep in thought that what he just saw was a hallucination, an illusion, there is always an explanation meanwhile the other thumped against his chest excited to see someone they so longed for, someone they knew and forever hoped would still stay with them.

"Hey Jay?" Jieun waved again noticing Jay was looking as if he saw a three headed monster right in front of him "You look pale" she said touching his face that dripped sweat "You're cold, come sit" she let him sit on the stool and asked the cashier to get them some hot tea.

"Jay?" she asked receiving a hum in response "Are you okay? Did the boy scare you or something?" she asked pressing further questions that Jay felt uncomfortable with so he came up with a quick lie.

"He smelled disgusting" Jay lied and made a fake gagging sound hoping it convinced her and indeed it did as she laughed lightheartedly.

"You're so silly, I thought you saw a zombie or something" she said laughing and Jay joined her faking his laugh.

They both stayed there for a little and then decided to walk home. Jay arrived at his dorm and quickly locked the door, throwing himself in his soft sheets.

He stared up and the ceiling lost in thought. Could that really be Jungwon? It can't, zombies aren't real. Come to think of it, the boy looked like a zombie, with his ragged clothes, his smell and the soles of his shoes missing. Despite only catching a glimpse of his attire Jay didn't see his face.

The next day, Jay phoned Sunoo...

"I saw him"

"Huh?!" Sunoo asked, on the other line, purely confused "Ni-ki shush!" he scolded

"Jungwon, I saw him" Jay said, weirdly calm.

"Okay, wait-back the fuck up, Jungwon?!" Sunoo whispered the name.

"It's crazy, yeah. I didn't see his face clearly; he wore the necklace I gave him"

Sunoo started laughing on the other line, making Jay a little embarrassed and bewildered.

"Jay, buddy, anyone can wear a necklace with those initials" he pointed out.

"I know but he looked-homeless and beaten up" Jay said, voice etched with concern, remembering the attire and how poorly the boy was dressed.

"Okay, let's say it was him, why didn't you stop him? Run after him? Don't you miss him?"

This time Sunoo was serious. If Jay truly loved Jungwon and he saw him, why not stop him? Call out for him? If you love someone, won't you do anything to have them with you? Sunoo definitely know he would for Ni-ki, even if he's a pain in his ass sometimes.

"I don't-don't know" Jay's voice suddenly dropped.

Sunoo let out an audible sigh.

"Don't think on it too much, it was midnight and you must've imagined it" Sunoo said trying to comfort Jay a little.

"Yea, imagined. Maybe" Jay spoke his words non-sensibly.

"So how was your date?" Sunoo asked trying to lighten the mood but Jay just hung up without answering causing Sunoo to pout.

"Inconsiderate asshole" Sunoo cursed him, then felt to arms snake around his shoulder and a kiss pressed onto his cheeks.

"Done playing FIFA?" Sunoo asked, his face a deep shade of red. Ni-ki lazily nodded and buried his face in Sunoo's neck.

"Come back to bed, I'm sleepy" Ni-ki mumbled, luckily, he was so close to his ear or Sunoo wouldn't have known what he said.

"It's 1 in the evening" Sunoo pointed out, knowing they should be having lunch now but Ni-ki seemed not to have an appetite today.

Without warning, Ni-ki picked Sunoo up and threw him over his shoulder "Yah!" Sunoo slapped his arm "Put me down!" Sunoo yelled but Ni-ki pretended not to hear him.

In their bedroom, Ni-ki put Sunoo down on the bed and quickly joined him, caging him in his hands.

"Riki, I have things to do around the house, let me go" Sunoo whined, struggling to get out of Ni-ki hold.


"I'm not playing with you, Riki" Sunoo said seriously but Ni-ki was too sleepy to care.

"Neither am I"

"You little- "Sunoo was about to argue with him until he was pulled closer making his back hit Ni-ki's chest.

"Who was that on the phone?" Ni-ki asked half asleep.

Sunoo somehow calmed down and responded "Jay, he said he sa- "

"Shh, you'll tell me later, let's take a nap" Ni-ki quietly said and Sunoo didn't say anything, feeling his eyes heavy, they both fell asleep in the middle of the day.


"Mom, what was 'Jungwon' wearing that day you saw him at the grocery?" Jay asked to his mother who sat in the sofa in front of him.

"Um let's see" she tried to remember. A mossy green jacket but it looked torn and his shoes were missing soles. I couldn't see his entire face. We actually made eye contact and the moment we did he pulled his hood down further. It happened so fast, I swore I was dreaming" she spoke, recalling recent events.

Jay's heart rate sped up; those were the similar to the clothes he saw on the homeless boy "Mom? Was he wearing the necklace I gave him? The one with 'JS'? Jay asked desperately.

His mother started thinking then shook her head in denial. Jay's shoulders dropped then it couldn't have been him then.

He pulled his hair in distress. He promised to stop this, stop looking for him, stop having faith and false hope on something so impossible.

Just then his phone dinged, it was from Jieun,

                                                        Jieun <3

Up for another date, handsome?

Jay smiled and responded to her text, agreeing to her offer. Across the room, Jay's mother saw him smile and it was the first time she saw him truly smile in over a year. It warmed her heart to see him happy again.

"Who are you texting?" she asked, smiling while trying to look at his phone and the moment she saw the message her smile faded.

"Sunoo introduced me to her, she's different, mom" Jay said still looking at his phone, a smile plastered on his face.

Jay looked at his mother and she quickly put on a smile, flashing away the little tear that threatened to fall.

"I'm happy for you, son. As long as you're happy, I am too" she smiled and Jay hugged her.

"Mom, what would I do without you?"


A/N: here's the update you guys have waited for. sorry for the wait, i didn't have my laptop with me and i had the chapter written out already. i just got it today so i hope you enjoy this chapter and thank u for being patient, ily<3

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