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Jungwon woke up to a very familiar scent, one he missed for almost a year? He just can't remember what it was.

Still half asleep on the scented sheets, the latter dare not wake up nor bother to care for the smell. The soft mattress beneath him was more than enough for his tired and sleepy state. He felt as if he can stay here forever, was he in heaven?

Wait a minute? Jungwon came to his sense and opened his eyes fully "Why am I here?" he began to panic. You jumped off the bed ignoring the pain that shot through his body from the unhealed bruises he had.

Pacing back and forth to find his old clothes, he couldn't. He walked past the mirror and saw himself. His hair tousled and he wore silk pajamas that were definitely not his. He saw his clothes in a laundry basket in the corner of the room.

He quickly took his clothes and changed, he had to leave here quickly and go back or he'll be in serious trouble.

Rushing to put his worn-out shoes on his foot he made his way downstairs. Thinking he could dash to the door and leave but it wasn't that easy as soon as he opened the door Sunghoon stood there a few inches away from him with a jug of milk in his hands.

"Good morning to you" Sunghoon said and walked inside making the other also stay in the house. He scratched the sleeves of his sweater nervously. He needed to get out of here quickly but he couldn't.

Seeing Sunghoon standing there brought so many memories that have been lost for over a year now. It was too much he started crying loudly, it startled Sunghoon and his fiancé who came running to check on Jungwon.

"Yo, Jungwon are you alright?" Sunghoon asked trying to get him to quiet down but that didn't work until he got a slap on his head.

"Did you make him cry?" Heeseung accused Sunghoon who denied and sighed "Jungwon, hey it's alright we'll help you get back on your feet. I promise you" Heeseung said putting a hand on Jungwon's shoulder feeling sorry for him.

"I don't want your pity!" Jungwon pushed his hand away and shouted "I wanna go home!" he cried out.

"This is your home, Jungwon" Heeseung said referring to his friends but Jungwon didn't care for that.

"I need to go home!" he repeated and sprinted for the door but Sunghoon held him back.

"Eat first and I'll drop you off after okay?" Sunghoon tried convincing the younger and as if on cue, Jungwon's stomach growled. And he reluctantly agreed.

He sat at the kitchen counter waiting for Heeseung to finish with breakfast. Sunghoon sat on the opposite side of him wanting to ask so many questions but tried to stick to Jay's words.

"Don't question him, please. I'm afraid he'll run away again"

Heeseung came and sat beside his fiancé and served breakfast in a stuffy and awkward silence.

"Where have you been?" Heeseung asked earning a little pinch on his leg from Sunghoon but he still continued on.

"Jungwon you've been gone for a year. For fucks sake everyone thought you were dead" Heeseung said stressing on his last sentence.

"I'm sorry, hyung" Jungwon hiccupped unable to stop his oncoming tears. He wanted to tell them. Jungwon wanted to stay with them but he's afraid and doesn't want to have his friends worry for him.

He shoved whatever food he can fit in his mouth and left with a "please don't follow me!" he dashed for the door and ran into the driveway not sure how to get to where he came from.

Deciding to take a random path he quickly walked up the pavement, pulling his hood down. His heart racing as he swallowed his saliva. He was scared Heehoon would follow him so he kept looking back and to his luck no one followed him but his luck ran out when someone grabbed him by his arm, pressing on a deep wound that wasn't fully healed.

"Ow fuck- "Jungwon cried not caring who the person was as he tried getting his hand out of the person's grip.

The person let go realizing the pain they are causing, when Jungwon finally looked up he saw Ni-ki looking back at him with a worried and guilty expression.

"Why are you walking the street alone like this? You're supposed to stay at Sunghoon and Heeseung's!" Ni-ki said "Let's go back, come on" he extended his hand for Jungwon.

Jungwon hid his hands from Ni-ki and shook his head 'no'. "You know better than anyone what will happen if I stay here"

"Jungwon, I admit I'm stupid, it's all of us against her! It's impossible for her to find you or hurt you with us" Ni-ki said trying to reach for Jungwon's arm.

"No!" Jungwon shouted, backing up a little "I'm not going in there! I need to go back!" the desperation in his eyes were burning and Ni-ki was speechless, he's tried everything to convince Jungwon.

"I'm sorry" Jungwon backed up and turned to walk away but bumped into a hard chest.

"Jay hyung"

Reveal- Jaywon ff (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now