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TW: mentions of abuse.


Sunoo's opened his eyes to see nothing but broken chairs and spider webs everywhere.

Then he felt his aching hands were tied behind his back and his legs tied to the chair.

He wanted scream but it was muffled by the cloth that covered his mouth.

This bitch is a fucking psycho. Sunoo thought.

Wait- Ni-ki!

He tried turning to look for his boyfriend but couldn't find him. Needless to say, it was already difficult to turn his body without falling from the chair.

"Uh uh" he heard the sound of a stick and a woman's voice.

Jungwon's mother.

"What a pretty little boy? I've never seen you before" she came closer and lifted Sunoo's chin and pulled off the cloth that covered his mouth.

"You psycho bitch. Where is my boyfriend?!" Sunoo panted through gritted teeth.

"Your boyfriend?" she asked to herself, pretending to think. "Oh you mean, Riki! My son's ex? He's somewhere much better than this place" she said in excitement.

"What are you even doing this for?" Sunoo asked.

"Good question. Maybe because you think you can sneak in here and put me in jail? Hm? Haha you're funny" she laughed "The police are dumb and so is everyone else. Soon my Jungwon will come back to me and he won't be like you gay people" her face scrunched up in disgust.

"You homophobic piece of shit!" Sunoo screamed trying to get free.

"It won't work. Even if it did you can't stop me. I already have my plan set in motion" she shrugged, walking back and forth.

"What plan?" Sunoo mumbled avoiding her stare.

"Oh! I'm glad you asked! You see, my dear son ran away from me when all I wanted to do was protect him" she said in a pitiful voice "Yes, I was the nurse. I took him from the hospital so he can spend more time with his dear mother and I was this close to success" she snapped her finger.

"Abusing him is not love you wrenched witch"

"I didn't want to hurt him" she said in an almost apologetic voice "But he was being such a brat! I had to teach him a lesson or two"

Sunoo looked at her with a strained and death stare.

"Anywho, so my son will be here in a day or two. So you better keep your trap shut" she pointed the stick at Sunoo.

"Jungwon isn't coming here! Jay will never let him!" Sunoo argued.

"Oh darling, so you think. A little birdie told me that your precious Jay is too busy with his celebrity life to care for my son. So, as the good mother that I am, I decided to put an end to my son's loneliness" she smirked.

Sunoo scoffed at the words 'good mother'

"Huh?" Sunoo asked, his throat a little hoarse and dry.

"You just wait and see. I just need to erase the of the source of my son's corrupted brain and soon he'll come running to me like he used to." she smiled crazily.

Sunoo tugged his hands against each other trying to get out "Where is Ni-ki?" He asked again.

"Your son of a bitch of a boyfriend tried to trick me a few months ago and dare I say he almost succeeded" she let out a fake cry "Luckily, this mother got a few tricks up her sleeve. I bet you didn't notice how nervous your boyfriend was when you tried to look for my son, didn't you?" She laughed maniacally.

"He did?..." Sunoo soon came to realize how hesitant Ni-ki was when they always spoke about finding Jungwon.

"Ah! I see you recall! Now, your boyfriend knew where my Jungwon was, exactly when and what time he was at? Why? Because I made him. I had my men watching him at every corner, he dared rant out my plans or hiding place to any of you and you may just never have seen him again" she continued on.

"You're lying! Ni-ki would never hide something from me!" Sunoo couldn't believe it.

"Oh you don't believe me?! Well that's understandable but let me ask you, has he helped you once in trying to find this warehouse?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

Fuck- she was right. Ni-ki just sat there bringing him coffee or food but never once did he help even when Sunoo asked him too he would brush it off and say he's too lazy.

"I'm right, aren't I?" she asked, reading Sunoo's face like a book.

"Where is he?!" Sunoo asked again.

"Oh you want to meet him? I think it's time we should"


A/N: updated twice in a few hours! new record!

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