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TW: violence


"Oh you want to meet him? I think it's time we should"

She called one of her men and whispered something to him.

But before they can finish she saw another one running in.

"We have guests" he said almost out of breath.

"Ugh! Who can that be!" she was enraged and then looked at Sunoo.

She marched to him and tied the cloth over his mouth "Dont even try anything! My men are watching you" she warned him and walked off with one of them leaving Sunoo in this suffocated room with another.

He tried freeing his hands and feet but it was no use. Then he looked through the half opened door to see who it was but failed to see anyone.

Sunoo was almost asleep on the wooden chair when he heard the man yell. He looked at and saw Ni-ki who seemed fine, no bruises and no marks.

Ni-ki put his finger to his lips, indicating Sunoo not to make a noise and then the man launched at Ni-ki.

He fired a punch to Ni-ki's face and then other kicked him in the stomach.

Ni-ki grabbed the guy by his hair and bumped their foreheads, sending him to the floor with blood dripping from his head.

Ni-ki kicked him hard for good measure and took the baseball bat they brought, that was laying on the side, and swung it on the guy's head making him unconscious.

Sunoo's jaw dropped at the scene. He never knew Ni-ki could fight.

The said boy rushed over to Sunoo and quickly untied him, starting with the cloth over his mouth.

"I didn't know you could fight" Sunoo said in one breath.

"Yea?" Ni-ki panted breathlessly "There's alot of thing you don't know about me" he winked and untied the last of Sunoo's arms and feet.

"There is" Sunoo said with a glare, his voice dead serious.

"Let's talk about this later okay?" Ni-ki placed a hand on Sunoo's knee, reassuring him.

"Wait, but, how did you get out?" Didn't she lock you up too?" Sunoo asked following Ni-ki up a creaking staircase.

"I know this place like the back of my hands babe" Ni-ki said as he walked further.

Sunoo looked confused and Ni-ki seemed to feel that cause he said " This was my dad's old warehouse before he moved back to Japan. I used to help him here everyday" he recalled and Sunoo nodded.

"Jay is here! He's with Jungwon and Heeseung" Ni-ki informed. Sunoo was impressed by Ni-ki's skill.

"No. Jungwon can't be here, his mother she will-"

"I know and we won't let that happen" Ni-ki gave Sunoo a sly smile when they reached their destination in the warehouse.


"Son?!" his mother feigned innocence seeing Jungwon in the car "Come to mother" she reached out her hand but Jungwon didn't move.

"What are you trying to do this time?" Jay got out and walked to his mother not caring how dangerous she is.

"Oh you have no idea" she whispered and spat on Jay's face "Faggot" she said and ordered her men to take all three of them.

"This was your idea Jay? Come here and have no plan whatsoever?" he grunted when the men held his arms, twisting it a little "You fuckers, let me go!"

They took Jay and Heeseung to the same place Sunoo was and held them there.

"This bitch- where do he go?!" his mother screamed but quickly replaced it with smile.

Heeseung looked at her petrified and scared for his life. She was insane. Was he really going to die?

One of the men took Jungwon and brought him to his mother.

"Don't touch him!" Jay shouted at her, trying to get free "Jungwon don't go near her please" he begged.

Jungwon had no choice when the guy practically forced him to stand in front of her and then pushed him down on his knees.

"Tsk tsk, you're here two days early but oh well what can we do?" She sighed and lifted Jungwon's chin with her finger.

"Hm you're bruises seemed to have healed. Good" she said and dropped Jungwon's chin letting his head fall a little.

Jay watched the seen before him and he feels nothing but anger for that woman.

"Don't fucking touch him!" Jay shouted again feeling useless being restrained like this.

"Would you shut up! I'm trying to have a mother and son moment here" she groaned in annoyance.

"I missed you my child" she said looked at Jungwon who bit his lip, crying. He put his friends in so much danger. He should've never stayed with them.

"You're poor friends are trying to save you, how sweet but they don't know me, wonie. They don't know how upset your mother is when they take you away from me" she frowned and traced her finger along Jungwon's cheeks.

"Where are our friends?" Heeseung spoke up and Jungwon's mother looked amused.

"I've never met this one either, is he new?" She laughed "I have no idea where they are" she shrugged.

"Stop lying and just tell us where they are!" Jay gritted in anger seething through him.

"I really don't know" she spoke truthfully and signalled one of her men to go look for them.

"Is this your whole gang?" she asked "It's quiet alot for me to get  rid of" she said in worry.

"Deal with those two. I'm going to spend quality time with my son" she said and left with Jungwon.

Jay struggled to get out of the guy's hold but it was no use when they were tied to a chair just as Sunoo was.

It was dark now and Heeseung fell asleep in that uncomfortable position but Jay was wide awake. He brain wracking at how to get out of here.

Then he noticed the guy who were watching them, gone. It was a perfect chance to escape if not for them being tied up.

"Jay" he heard his name and looked to the entrance to see Jungwon there.

"Jay hyung, I don't feel so good"

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