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*cue the sad music* trust me you need it while reading this chapter. have fun <3


Knock, Knock.

Jay's pale and sore hands knocked against the door. He panted breath after breath, after having ran all the way here in under five minutes. His sole purpose was to see Jungwon, he needed to see him. He miss his baby bunny.

"Jay?! Are you okay? Come inside" Heeseung invited after seeing how disoriented he looked and let him in. He gave him a glass of water to which he gulped down and started walking up to his old room.

"Jungwon's not home" Heeseung said, his feelings twisted seeing Jay desperation to see Jungwon. He was really trying so hard to see him and he won't stop to give himself a break.

"I wanna see him, Heeseung" Jay just sat on the steps thinking all his effort went in vain. Why was he like this? He was a mess but it didn't matter when him and Jungwon both loved each other right?

"Look, he's working in Jin's café today. Go see him, I'm sure Jin hyung will give him some time off today" Heeseung reached out for his phone and quickly texted the aforementioned something.

"Thanks hyung I owe you" Jay said and reached the door but Heeseung stopped him.

"You're not walking there. Take the car" he handed him a pair of keys and Jay returned a smile and went to the car.

"Goodluck" Heeseung waved at him and Jay drove off.


"Good day sir what wou-"

"Jay hyung" Jungwon let out a punched gasp, obviously not expecting to see him hear again well at least not now.

"Jungwonie, what is it?" Yeonjun came in after hearing Jungwon and wrapped his arms around Jungwon's waist. Jungwon flinched and made eye contact with Jay who was disguised as usual but behind the mask and hat anyone could see the pained look in Jay's eyes.

"Just an old friend" Jungwon murmured under his breath only meaning for Yeonjun to hear it but news flash, Jay wasn't deaf.

'old friends who almost married each other' Jay wanted to say so badly but he cleared his throat to bury those words deep inside again.

Through his eyes one could see a little piece of his heart break, a light that almost went out but nevertheless it was soon washed away when Jay spoke up.

"C-can we go somewhere today? Sir Jin is giving you the rest of the day off" Jay asked again with so much hope filling his heart maybe this was his last time with Jungwon.

God, it took everything in Jay not to burst into tears and leave his lifeline there with this guy but his heart denied his impulses.

"Please?" he forced out, his voice croaked in a small whisper and Yeonjun looked at him worried.

"Is he your friend wonie? I think you should go. I'll cover your shift for you" Yeonjun offered and Jungwon nodded a new wave off guilt flooding through his bones.

"Hey wait-" Yeonjun pulled him back by his wrist "I think you're forgetting something" he joked, pointing to his cheeks and Jungwon shot him a quick glare before disappearing into the staff room.

Jay and Yeonjun stood face to face with each other and Jay let a tear slipped down his cheeks but it was hidden under his mask. 

"Let's go" Jungwon came out in regular clothes and waved goodbye to Yeonjun who blew him a kiss and even if Jay's back was turned he heard it and his knuckles turned white, hidden in the pocket of his coat.

Reveal- Jaywon ff (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now